Archive For June, 2013

6 articles
BSB do boy-band fandom

BSB do boy-band fandom

One of the reasons I have always loved the Backstreet Boys is because they are so much fun. Their interviews are always filled with joked, them teasing each other and funny anecdotes. And sometimes, they don't take themselves seriously. At. All. I found this video of a interview they did recently where they play the "Name that boy band" game.…
New obsession alert: Mr. Theo James

New obsession alert: Mr. Theo James

I'm reading the Divergent books as we speak. Yeah, I jumped on the bandwagon quite late. But the other day we saw the books at the Book fair and Gwen was like "you so have to read this". So I did. I'm easy that way. Needless to say, I'm hooked. I'm reading like there's no tomorrow. It took me 4…
Fandom Introspection: I have a confession

Fandom Introspection: I have a confession

I have a confession to make. I've been thinking about this for a long time and was scared of admitting it. It's a very shameful secret here in the world of fandom. But I have to get it out. Even though I have an ever growing harem of celeb crushes... there are some I just don't like. There. I said…
What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

Shakespeare might think a rose would smell as sweet even if it was called “roadkill”, but I’m not su sure this applies to character’s names. I’m not one to judge books by their cover. But I do judge characters by their names. (Sue me). Especially YA or romance novel heroes. Yeah, I read books for their plots and all, but…
Can we have a little creativity for movie posters, please?

Can we have a little creativity for movie posters, please?

Did it ever happen to you that you saw a movie poster and went: huh, I think I already saw this movie? Well, if you are my mom, it may happen while watching the actual movie. But that's not the point. Thing is, even the most versatile actors are sometimes reduced to Derek Zoolander's Blue Steel and can only pull…
Stalkers r’ us

Stalkers r’ us

We've all done it. Don’t try to hide it. It’s in our nature. Whenever we are obsessed about someone or we have a celebrity crush, we tend to follow them night and day. Innocently, of course. It’s just what we do. At least... I do. Back when I was young, in the dark ages known as the pre-Google era, stalking…