Archive For December, 2013

42 articles
Fangirling over 2014!!!

Fangirling over 2014!!!

That's it, folks. 2013 is almost over and we are just hours away from the New Year. Besides projects, trips, plans and personal growth, 2014 has me excited as hell! Besides the return of my beloved series from their hiatus, or the premiere of new seasons for old shows (Game of Thrones, I'm talking to you), my Google Calendar is…
Pass me the salts! I just died from fangirling so hard!

Pass me the salts! I just died from fangirling so hard!

And I thought 2013 was done and over with. Man! Was I wrong! What with finding a new fandom boyfriend on the last days of the year and now this. Will the surprises never cease? Really 2013, you did your duty. You were an amazing fandom year. We really don't need anything more from you. Leave something for 2014!!! Apparently,…
Because we just Geek-out once in a while

Because we just Geek-out once in a while

Christmas has come and gone, and after spending several days using your fakest smile while receiving pink socks as a gift from your great aunt, you can now go and exchange your gifts for something lovely, something useful or something totally Geeky like we do. Let me give you some suggestions that will make you grin like an idiot and…
My 2013 Fandom Boyfriends: The re-match

My 2013 Fandom Boyfriends: The re-match

I should have known better. I should know myself by now, don't you think? A month ago I had my book boyfriends and fandom boyfriends fight each other, to see who would win the 2013 Top Stop. Looking back, I'm thinking "was I insane?". There were still 34 days left in the year 2013 and a lot can happen in fandom…
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Friday Night Hottie: Liam Hemsworth

Friday Night Hottie: Liam Hemsworth

Now that Gwen and I have agreed, after watching "Catching Fire", that we don't mind that Liam Hemsworth kinda looks like Tigger from Winnie Pooh, I've started paying attention to the dude. And I have a question: why, oh why didn't I pay attention to him before? Why didn't anyone point out what I was missing? Honestly! So as a…
Outlander for Neophytes – Chapter 1: The Books

Outlander for Neophytes – Chapter 1: The Books

We are on the doorstep of 2014 which means, we are 1 step closer to finally seeing the Outlander series come to life on our screens *jumps up and down*. Lately, this blog has become sort of 90% Outlander because, face it, I'm obsessed as hell with this series and the season premiere will be the highlight of my fandom…
What we watched in 2013

What we watched in 2013

Well folks, another year is almost gone. And what a year! 2013 was amazing in what respects to movies. We had tons of great films to watch and obsessed over. Let's hope 2014 is as good or even better!!! After all the eggnog you probably drank over the Holidays, you may be a little foggy and don't remember some of…
All I want for Christmas, The Hobbit style

All I want for Christmas, The Hobbit style

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!! I hope you are having a great time with family and friends during the holidays!!! And I hope you has some awesome gifts!!! To celebrate in a very Geeky way, let's share some of the cast of THE HOBBIT singing ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU. Ok, so only Luke Evans actually sings (le…
12 Days of Christmas: DAY 12

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 12

ON CHRISTMAS DAY, MY BELOVED GAVE ME: A shirtless, sweaty and training Henry Cavill... Were you too consumed by drooling and panting that you didn't understand the video? Worry not. We've summarized it in a set of GIFs. We are that good.   MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
12 Days of Christmas: DAY 11

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 11

ON THE 11TH DAY OF CHRISTMAS MY BELOVED GAVE ME: Hugh Jackman telling us that the musical is back!
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