Archive For January, 2014

37 articles
Friday Night Hottie: Michael Fassbender

Friday Night Hottie: Michael Fassbender

Once upon a time, me and my crazy group of friends went to the cinema to watch the movie 300. After we drooled over hot King Leonidas, our 2nd favorite character was Stelios. But we called him "Heidi". Because he was jumping up and down all the time. We just loved that psycho kid. When we Googled him and found…
When casting gets crazier than Fan Casting: Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor!!!

When casting gets crazier than Fan Casting: Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor!!!

We are 99.9% sure that Warner Bros is trying to break down the Internet with their casting news. Come one... remember the whole Ben Affleck as Batman incident? We are still waiting for the announcement of Matt Damon as Robin... Anyways... today was another huge day in the saga of the yet untitled “Superman-Batman” movie. Just a couple of hours ago, Variety…
Outlander for Neophytes – Chapter 6: the TV show

Outlander for Neophytes – Chapter 6: the TV show

If there's one thing that can be said about us Outlanders, is that we are nothing but patient. The books have been around since 1991, so whether you've read it that long ago or on 2005 (like me), you've been waiting patiently (not) for a lot of years. I remember endless conversations on Compuserve, Twitter, Facebook and Fan Forums about…
“Our little infinity” – sobbing right now, ok? Okey.

“Our little infinity” – sobbing right now, ok? Okey.

Yesterday was the release of the THE FAULT IN OUR STARS movie trailer. If you haven't been brave enough to watch it on your own, don't worry. We are here to help you. We'll hold your hand. Go ahead. Pass me the tissues, will you? This trailer so makes up for the horrible tagline that debuted together with the…
You guys… I’m actually excited about the Super bowl!!!

You guys… I’m actually excited about the Super bowl!!!

Let me tell you something about myself. I'm as useless in sports as a flip-flop. And I generally don't like watching sports (except rugby). But I gotta say... I'm actually excited about this year's Super bowl!!! Ok, let me set the record straight before you call the doctors on me to examine my head. I don't have a clue who's…
Guess who will be back to Starling City?

Guess who will be back to Starling City?

Oh my fellow Arrow friends, we've had some great piece of news these last couple of days. According to TV Guide, Helena Bertinelli (Jessica de Gouw) will be back to Starling City in the March 26th episode, to deal with... can you guess?... Yup. Her daddy issues. On this episode, called "Birds of Prey" (foreshadowing? spoiler alert?), Helena returns to…
My review for “World After”

My review for “World After”

Last year, after seeing it pop up in several blogs I follow, I read Angell, the first installment in the "Penryn & the End of Days" trilogy by Susan Ee. I liked the book, so I was looking forward to the 2nd part. I got it as soon as it came out, but I wasn't that quick reading it. I…
Want to Cosplay as the ladies from “Reign”? It’s really easy

Want to Cosplay as the ladies from “Reign”? It’s really easy

I know I haven't been doing the recaps for the latest Reign episodes and I'm sorry. It was actually a lot of fun doing it, but it took a looooot of time (that sadly, I don't have). But that doesn't mean I stopped watching the show. Oh, no. I felt for poor sad puppy Francis when he saw Mary and…
Black Sails: no smooth sailing

Black Sails: no smooth sailing

To be totally, totally honest... I watched the pilot for Starz's "Black Sails" because of Outlander. That's the honest truth. Except "Pirates of the Caribbean" (just the first one, actually), I'm not that into pirates. Ok, ok... I will listen to the audibook for "Treasure Island", but that's just cuz Luke Evans is reading it!!! So long story short... I…
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