Archive For February, 2014

40 articles
Friday Night Hottie: Jared Leto

Friday Night Hottie: Jared Leto

In honor of the Academy Awards this Sunday, we decided to give this Friday Night Hottie to an actual nominee. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you this week's hottie: Jared Leto. To be honest, I personally think the word "hottie" is a little small for him. Supermegafoxy hottie. Über hottie. Astronimic level-hotness is what this man has. Yes, I'm calling…
#OscarWeek: The Poll

#OscarWeek: The Poll

The Oscars are just two days away. Have you chosen the gown you'll wear? Will you get together with friends to watch the ceremony and have fun? Start planing, my dear. The clock is ticking. Last week we started doing polls because it's a fun way to see what everyone is thinking. Our poll today is Oscar related. Well, duh.…
#OscarWeek: The Predictions

#OscarWeek: The Predictions

Oh, yes. We totally went there. Don't lie and say you don't do it cuz we will never believe you. We all do it. Cast our predictions for the Oscars to see who wins. It's like... 75% of the fun on Sunday. So yeah... these are our Oscar Predictions. We all did it differently because... well, because of reasons. Nick’s…
Throwback Thursday: blast from the past movies

Throwback Thursday: blast from the past movies

Thursday is the day when you are able to see photos of celebrities during their teen years in Twitter. Throwback Thursday, or #tbt, is a day to feel good about oneself when you see how awkward a (now) hot celebrity was back then. But also, it is a day to look back. Don't really know why or who thought of…
#OscarWeek: The Trivia

#OscarWeek: The Trivia

We all watch the Oscars every year, but do we actually know something about this Award? Like when did it start? What does the statue stand for? Why is it called Oscar? Instead of doing a long, boring, history lesson we'll just deal with trivia and fun facts that you can throw around on Sunday, when you get together with…
#WorldwideTVNeedsOutlander campaign today!!!

#WorldwideTVNeedsOutlander campaign today!!!

I was wondering what my post for today should be. I had several ideas in mind when, just browsing through my Twitter feed, it hit me like a bagpipe to the head! Today is the day we Outlander fans get together to campaign in favor of the International release of the Outlander TV Series. So, duh! I have to participate…
#OscarWeek: The Ceremony

#OscarWeek: The Ceremony

We already know who the presenters will be. But what do we really know about this Sunday's ceremony? Let's do a quick recap, shall we? The Academy had the most brilliant idea when they invited Mr. Chris Hemsworth to be the one who did the announcement of the nominations. Another brilliant idea? Having Ellen DeGeneres as Host. I…
My two favorite people

My two favorite people

I swear I sometimes feel like I'm fangirling over the wrong people. We are all crazy about Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Hemsworth, Jared Leto, Luke Evans... I understand the appeal. I really do. But there are 2 other men who should be crowned as Internet's boyfriends. 2 other men who are amazing actors, have a stunning career, are witty,…
#OscarWeek: The Presenters List

#OscarWeek: The Presenters List

You must all have this Sunday marked in your calendars, right? Because on Sunday March 2nd, it's the Academy Awards, aka: The Oscars!!! I don't know about you, but in my home, it's sort of a family affair. Every year, we get together to watch the ceremony while having dinner. Usually pizza, because it's easy to eat. You don't have…
“Pompeii” movie review: Jon Snow knows nothing

“Pompeii” movie review: Jon Snow knows nothing

Apparently Jon Snow got sick and tired of the snow, cold and heavy black capes, so he decided to spend the summer in sunny, warm Pompeii. That didn't turn out to be a good idea... I'm a sucker for this kind of movies, I really enjoy them. So I was thrilled when Pompeii and The Legend of Hercules were coming…
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