Archive For June, 2014

21 articles
So what’s up, July??? Gimme some trailers!!!

So what’s up, July??? Gimme some trailers!!!

We are on the brink of a new month, which means... new movies!!! Yay!!! And there's nothing we like more than watching trailers. So seat back, relax, and enjoy these trailers for upcoming movies: TAMMY Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Dan Aykroyd and directed by Ben Falcone DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Judy Greer,…
Friday Night Hottie: Brit Boys

Friday Night Hottie: Brit Boys

I don't know if it's the accents, the education, the hair, the gentleman-like attitude or simply because there's something in the water over there. But I really wouldn't mind a British Invasion of any kind. I'm fairly sure it is safe to assume we have at least one British man in our personal list of hotties. Turns out, I have…
Fantasy-lands we would totally move into

Fantasy-lands we would totally move into

Real Life getting too much for you? Bored with work? Stuck in a traffic jam? Crying baby, angry boss and the dirty dishes keep piling up? Wish you could just click your red heels 3 times and be off somewhere else? We Fandom Obsessed gals give you some suggestions. There's no place like... RIVENDELL (Ally) I would absolutely live at…
Jamie Fraser, the best book boyfriend

Jamie Fraser, the best book boyfriend

We love Jamie Fraser. We really do. With all his good and bad. Mostly the good. Because there is so much of it, *le sigh*. And we can't wait for August 9th to arrive, so we can see our beloved Scottish redhead come to life. But be prepared, we'll act as jealous girlfriends. We've been reading the Outlander books for…
Fandom Tourism: Sherlock locations

Fandom Tourism: Sherlock locations

We all want to stalk Sherlock. Admit it. He is smart, sexy, weird, cute, quirky, funny and a high-functioning sociopath. What's not to love? Besides, there's another reason we all want to stalk Sherlock: to grab him by the lapels of that gorgeous blue coat and ruffle his hair. So what's stopping you? Let me provide you with an easy…
Friday Night Hottie: boys from the football World Cup

Friday Night Hottie: boys from the football World Cup

I swear I tried not paying attention to the football World Cup. But everyone around me is talking about it, watching the matches and talking statistics. Everyone has a fixture in their pocket. And it's sort of driving me mad. So I decided... what the heck? If you can't fight it, join in the fun! That's when I started looking.…
The “other” list: guys we hate

The “other” list: guys we hate

Let's face it, no matter how similar our tastes are, there are some individuals even us Fandom Obsessed's girls can't agree with. We talk about how much we love this or that guy, but here and now, we'll share with you the guys we are not-so-crazy-about. GWEN I have to say, right now, I really can't understand people's fascination with…
Outlander premieres on August 9th. What to do until then?

Outlander premieres on August 9th. What to do until then?

Outlander fans are known to be patient (usually). The books have been out since 1991 and since forever, there's been rumors of a movie adaptation, a TV series, and whatnot. The last couple of years have been an emotional roller-coaster every time the rights were available, every time someone tried (and failed) to do a movie script... Basically, every time…
Fandom Tourism: Harry Potter locations (part 2)

Fandom Tourism: Harry Potter locations (part 2)

It's time to keep discovering the magical world of Harry Potter. We've already seen some of the location of the first movie, so let's move on to the others. HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS The front of St Pancras station in London is what you see when Ron and Harry ride off in Ron's light blue car, to…
Differences between Real Life Friends and Fandom Friends

Differences between Real Life Friends and Fandom Friends

Friends are the family one chooses. They are with you through thick and thin. They know you. They understand you. But Fandom Friends are your Soul Mates. They are the ones that get as obsessive, passionate and crazy as you do. They share the suffering and the happiness. Whatever crazy thing you might do, for them is totally normal behavior.…
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