Archive For August, 2014

26 articles
Friday Night Hottie: Henry Cavill iced

Friday Night Hottie: Henry Cavill iced

Because we asked for it. Because Luke Evans nominated him. Because we waited forever to see it. Because it's for a good cause. Because he is damn hot. Because he breathes hard. Here I give you this week'd Friday Night Hottie: Henry Cavill finally doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. Enjoy your weekend.  
Outlander Episode 3 Recap – The Way Out

Outlander Episode 3 Recap – The Way Out

Yeah. I'm very late. But better late than never, right? BAM! Train station in the 1940's. Claire and Frank dressed in uniform. But it's not Frank who's leaving for the front lines.Claire's leaving. And Frank staying. Even he says this is backwards. She promises she'll come back. We'll see about that. Back in 1743, Claire does the Ice Bucket Challenge…
Friends happened and I squealed like the little fangirl that I am

Friends happened and I squealed like the little fangirl that I am

So this happened: and believe you me, I still have the biggest smile on my face. I was a huge fan of Friends. I watched every single episode. Multiple times. And I still watch them whenever they are on TV. I grew up with those 3 gals and those 3 dudes. I love them with all my heart. So…
My Internet Routine

My Internet Routine

Everyone has one. Even if you don't notice it. But we tend to stick to a routine even when we are playing. At least I know I do. But maybe that's because of my slight case of OCD. But still... Do you have a routine when going online? Which sites do you visit first? Is there a logic behind this…
#IceBucketChallenge – part 2

#IceBucketChallenge – part 2

Well... I know it's for charity and all, but I can't stop watching these videos!!! CHRIS EVANS finally did it. Not only did he do it in style, but he addressed one of my complanits with this challenge. IAN MCKELLEN accepted Luke Evans's challenge and he was so awesome doing it. As with everything he does. MINIONS. Because...…
Friday Night Hottie: Stephen Amell (again)

Friday Night Hottie: Stephen Amell (again)

Yeah... because... well... Stephen Amell doesn't need explaining. Truth is, I was gonna do another Friday Night Hottie for today, but I saw this videos and I just had to. Yeah... have a nice weekend!!!
Would you name your first born Theon?

Would you name your first born Theon?

Just last week we were talking about the things we do for fandom, one of them being naming your kids after favorite characters. I'm ok with it. I would totally name a daughter of mine "Claire" but... Theon? Bellatrix? WTF?!?! There are great names from Game of Thrones and Harry Potter which aren't derived from hideous characters. According to this…
Feeling all the feels for Dancing Baby Groot

Feeling all the feels for Dancing Baby Groot

There won't be any Spoiler Alert here because I've allowed enough time for y'all to have see this amazing movie that is Guardian of the Galaxy. And if you haven't seen it yet, shame on you. Besides, this thing is all overt he Internet. What I am going to include here is a Cuteness Overload Alert. I loved Guardians, but…
God is a fangirl – #ALSIceBucketChallenge

God is a fangirl – #ALSIceBucketChallenge

If you happen to have been online for at least 1 hour in the last couple of days, you are bound to have stumbled upon a video of a celebrity (or random person) trowing a bucket of iced water on themselves. You did, did you? Me too. And I have to say that I have become addicted to this videos.…
OMG!!! Wee Roger has a face!!!

OMG!!! Wee Roger has a face!!!

Yeah, ok. Maybe not the best post title ever, cuz it's kinda creepy. But I was so excited when I read this piece of news. Apparently, people a lot smarter than me have know this since May, but I just found out this past weekend and I couldn't be happier. I was a bit sad when wee Roger Wakefield didn't…
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