Yesterday I did a sort of review for the pilot episode of “Forever”. It kinda dealt more with the similarities between this new show and “New Amsterdam” which, we all have to admit, are there as clear as daylight.
But now that I have watched the 2nd episode, I gotta say that this show has enough reasons for me to became addicted and watch it every week. Let me list them for you, in case you aren’t yet convinced about the fact that Forever is a good show to watch.
1/ Ioan Gruffudd. “If you like pasty white, thin, British men” (his words, not mine), you’ll love the show. I mean, I wouldn’t describe him as such, really. He’s got darker skin, the jet black hair, those eyes, the smile and the soft accent… Don’t get me started cuz we’ll be here all day if not.
2/ The mysterious dude making the creepy phone calls. New Amsterdam didn’t have that. This is completely new. Who is he? Is he really 2000 years old? This spiked my interest. Specially in the 2nd episode.
3/ Lucas. Because, seriously. The comic relief in this show is super cute. I already love him.
4/ The fall. Cuz we all know it’s coming. Henry might be 200 years old, but he hasn’t been living. He is so contained, so restraint. It will be so amazing to see his life unravel and him starting to be sociable and falling. Falling in love, that is.
5/ Brainy is the new sexy. And he ain’t no Sherlock (by a long stretch), but I like his deducting skills. Sherlock is way to almighty and I love that. But I like that Henry’s deductive skills feel more normal. I mean, I can actually follow his train of thought.
6/ The method by which he is brought back to life. That’ll lend itself to various funny moments.
7/ The chemistry between the characters. Specially between Henry and Abraham.
8/ Detective Jo Martinez. I like her. You just feel there’s something more there.
9/ John from New Amsterdam had an out clause. Does Henry have one? Where do we go from here?