About Us

Have a crush on almost every hot celeb out there? Don’t have enough hours in the day to follow all your fandoms? Read a book and had your fan cast? Stayed until 5AM Googeling images of your new crush? Read the newest YA book series in 24 hours? Know all 5 names of the Stark kids’ direwolves? Do you have a picture of Henry Cavill as your cellphone background and your alarm clock is set to Theo James’ voice? Do you have a 30 Second to Mars song as a ringtone? Is your phone about to commit suicide for all the Google and Twitter alerts you have? Do you constantly text your BFF starting the conversation with an “OMG!!!”?
We know, it’s exhausting.
Welcome! Just follow the yellow brick road and enter the realm of the Fandom Obsessed. We understand you here. You are not alone.