Another open letter to the Arrow Writers

Another open letter to the Arrow Writers

Dear Arrow Writers,

Hi! Remember me? I wrote to you . Well, the thing is that with this whole thing about the hiatus on the show due to Sochi, I had saved the 2 latest episodes, in order to watch them slowly as to have something to keep me entertained during this break. Of course, I couldn’t do that and I watched them back to back the other day.

Before I start my rant, let me tell you that the show keeps getting better and better each week! The characters are amazing and the story lines are perfect!!! [STOP HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LATEST EPISODES. SPOILER ALERT]. Moira Queen running for Mayor against Sebastian Blood, Merlyn being alive (Jee! He just won’t die, won’t he?), Thea being Merlyn’s daughter, Walter is back (yay!), Roy finding out the truth and joining the team (bonus points for Felicity saying that she sometimes calls themselves “Team Arrow”).




Yeah… classic…

You need more examples before I start nagging you about Olicity? Fine! The new characters you are bringing into the mix are awesome: Black Canary and Nyssa are the best example of this. And what about poor Laurel? Granted, I don’t like her much (Olicity is my girl), but poor Laurel! And Katie Cassidy is doing an amazing performance. But… can someone give this girl a sandwich and a cookie? She is way too thin! The scene where Oliver confronts his mother after finding out the truth is amazing! It gave me chills! Kudos to Stephen Amell! Another awesome scene? Felicity confronting Moria. I was like OMG!!!

Oh, just a question though… do you acquire Spartacus cast in tandem? Loving it, by the way…

One last thing… thank you for the return of the real star of this show: the Salmon Ladder. Can we nominate it for an award? Like Supporting Actor or something? Clearly, it’s scenes are always the best.



*le sigh*

Anyways, moving on. Let’s talk about what really matters: Olicity.

Why, oh why are you doing this to us? Slowly, bit by bit, you are leading us by our noses to the place where we want to go. To that place where Olicity finally happens. You build our feels one by one with scenes like this one:




Or this one:

Am I looking way too much into things because I want Olicity to happen way too much, or did he just look long and hard at Felicity when he said “love is the most powerful emotion”? OHEMGEE you guys! Death for so many feels!!!

Then you give us scenes like this next one, that I’m sure are meant to smitten us with the combination of shirtless training + Oliver caring for Felicity and realizing that somethings the matter with her (as if a guy would ever be capable of that!)

And then this scene happens and my feels go off the roof because of reasons…

Let’s see:

1/ He realizes once again that something is bothering her.

2/ He cares to know what it is.

3/ He finishes her sentence.

4/ The look on his face when he learns about Felicity’s father abandoning her.

5/ The shoulder caress.

6/ The fact that he immediately know she is talking about him when she says she couldn’t bare the thought of loosing someone so important to her again

7/ The fact that he immediately believes her, without even speaking with his mother.

GAH!!! I mean, come on! Even cunning Moira Queen, while threatening Felicity, tells her that it hasn’t escaped her notice, the way Felicity looks at her son. And, lets face it, Diggle is so tired of the unresolved sexual tension there…

I loved the fact that even though Moira threatened her and she knows that Oliver hating her for this is a possibility, she tells him the truth anyway. That’s keeping her in character and being truthful to the relationship she has with Oliver. Not telling him the truth would have killed her and THAT would have made him hate her even more.

All was perfect until the last scene on episode 13…

wwyp wth


I can’t stress enough how disturbing that kiss was!!! Come on! I understand that Oliver actually cares about Felicity and he is afraid that getting involved with her would put her in harms way and that, eventually, he would screw up and hurt her and he doesn’t want that. But… really? Why?!?!

If you are going to throw Oliver in bed with every random chick that parades into the show, can we at least have a peck on the cheek, a hug… something with Felicity?


An angry Oliciter 


GIF sources:  - –  -

Video source:

emily bett rickardsfelicityfelicity smoakOliciterOllieshipping

Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Outlander, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Being Human UK. Past addictions: Friends, Glee, Spartacus, Smash, Arrow, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). The Hot List: Luke Evans, Aidan Turner, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!


  1. Shobhana

    Dear Arrow writers – By and large you’ve been doing a great job this Season and the viewer is captivated by how well you’ve built the characterization of Felicity. She may not have super powers, she’s absolutely human – she thinks, acts, reacts and feels just like your average viewer. And boy, she has courage and faith and loves Oliver. She is undeniably his soul mate and hopefully destined to stay that way. Do not build up something and let it crumble down by linking Oliver with every female that enters the serial…the viewer cannot relate to it at all especially given the build up and fabulous chemistry between Oliver and Felicity. Just let the most natural thing happen – slowly or otherwise, but for heavens sake – let it happen!

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  2. Ally

    Yeah! Let it happen!!!

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