Posts written by: Gwen and Ally

Gwen & Ally go to the movies: If I Stay

Gwen & Ally go to the movies: If I Stay

ALLY: Let us review If I Stay for the blog. Are you up to it? GWEN: Yes!! ALLY: K, so. Did you like it? I liked it. I kinda new what was going to happen because of the book (though I haven't read it). But I liked it. And I cried like a baby, though I didn't cry while watching…
Fantasy-lands we would totally move into

Fantasy-lands we would totally move into

Real Life getting too much for you? Bored with work? Stuck in a traffic jam? Crying baby, angry boss and the dirty dishes keep piling up? Wish you could just click your red heels 3 times and be off somewhere else? We Fandom Obsessed gals give you some suggestions. There's no place like... RIVENDELL (Ally) I would absolutely live at…
Jamie Fraser, the best book boyfriend

Jamie Fraser, the best book boyfriend

We love Jamie Fraser. We really do. With all his good and bad. Mostly the good. Because there is so much of it, *le sigh*. And we can't wait for August 9th to arrive, so we can see our beloved Scottish redhead come to life. But be prepared, we'll act as jealous girlfriends. We've been reading the Outlander books for…
The “other” list: guys we hate

The “other” list: guys we hate

Let's face it, no matter how similar our tastes are, there are some individuals even us Fandom Obsessed's girls can't agree with. We talk about how much we love this or that guy, but here and now, we'll share with you the guys we are not-so-crazy-about. GWEN I have to say, right now, I really can't understand people's fascination with…
Outlander premieres on August 9th. What to do until then?

Outlander premieres on August 9th. What to do until then?

Outlander fans are known to be patient (usually). The books have been out since 1991 and since forever, there's been rumors of a movie adaptation, a TV series, and whatnot. The last couple of years have been an emotional roller-coaster every time the rights were available, every time someone tried (and failed) to do a movie script... Basically, every time…
Tomorrow we celebrate “World Outlander Day”!!!

Tomorrow we celebrate “World Outlander Day”!!!

Yes, indeed. We have a new official holiday. Ok, maybe not official, but as official as it can get in Fandom World. We've been seeing this on several Outlander related sites and blogs and the ideas seems to be catching on. So we wanted to participate. Apparently, this site had the idea and, like all things Outlander, its catching on…
We should be casting directors: our fantasy pairings

We should be casting directors: our fantasy pairings

Hugh Jackman said in a recent interview that he would love to see Wolverine as part of The Avengers. Yes. Stop squeeing. We are excited too, of course. Ok, ok. Stop screaming!!! We know it would be awesome seeing Wolverine interact with Iron Man. And we know the press junkets between Hugh Jackman and Robert Downey Jr would be epic.…
Remember: today we trend #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER

Remember: today we trend #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER

Hello there!!! We know it's Monday and it sucks, but let's make the best out of it and help our beloved Outlander, ok? Just a little reminder that today, Monday 19th, is the day we participate in the #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER Twitter campaign. Click HERE to check out the Guidelines  set up by the even organizer, Outlander Ambassadors. The campaign is set for today, Monday, May…
Worldwide TV just really needs OUTLANDER!!!

Worldwide TV just really needs OUTLANDER!!!

Yes, we are at it again. You can't say that Outlander fans aren't relentless. Thing is, several TV executives from around the world will be watching the Outlander episodes in LA. And that means that some international network might byuythe rights to air the show in some other countries. You can read Diana Gabaldon's post on international licensing HERE. So,…
Starz announced Outlander’s release date (August 9th) and we went a bit overboard

Starz announced Outlander’s release date (August 9th) and we went a bit overboard

#OMG!!! The day has finally arrived! #Starz has announced the #OutlanderRealeaseDate (about time too!!!). And we are so #excited we wanna make it go viral and trend the date. So hold on to your number sign cuz we are going to hashtag the hell out of your August 9th ass!!! ALLY: #OMG #FinallyReleaseDate!!! GWEN: #ThisIsTooAmazing #August9 #OutlanderTakesOverTheInternet ALLY: #ImCryingSoHardRightNow #IsItAugust9Yet ??? GWEN: #AmISupposedToKeepItTogetherUntilThen #BecauseIdontThinkIcan…
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