C2E2, pt. 2!

C2E2, pt. 2!

Hey everyone! I’m back with more amazing cosplay photos from this past weekend at C2E2! I had a great time and kind of fangirled a lot, picking up some Doctor Who prints from some artists, a graphic novel, and attending a couple of panels and meetups. Weekends like this, where one can just be themselves with people like them and be the fans that we are are amazing and exhausting at the same time. I love what I do and love these fandoms. I don’t love how sick I am right now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the cosplays!!

- Zoey


Regina, the Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time!



Spaceballs! Complete with the comb for the desert and Pizza the Hutt!


Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6


Hands down the best Fifth Element costumes I saw all weekend.


Yep, even Sesame Street was there!


Lord Business from The Lego Movie


The next generation of Harry Potter fans. Makes me proud.


Cosima from Orphan Black. I must do a Cosima cosplay next time.


Wolverine! Hugh Jackman would be impressed!


The Marvel meetup! How many characters do you recognize?

IMG_2425The show floor from a floor above. It’s huge.



Written by Zoey

It has been said, "I wish I loved anything they way that she loves everything." Current obsessions are Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Scott Pilgrim, Cosplay, Anything British, Muse, Jared Leto and any of his pursuits, and The Book of Mormon. A Browncoat for life, I'm voting for Joss Wheadon for President in the next election. I have been known to belt out 90's pop songs while driving. Hey, being a geek really just means that you love something, and what's so bad about that?

1 Comment

  1. Jenny

    Thank you for the compliment on my sister’s (Plavalaguna), my friend’s (Ruby Rhod), and my (Princess Achen) Fifth Element cosplays! We were super thrilled at all the enthusiastic reactions and responses to our costumes. Looking forward to bumping into you at another con :D

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