
133 articles
Are YouTubers a fandom?

Are YouTubers a fandom?

Yeah, peeps. That is the question. I'm not sure if they are a fandom, but they sure are an obsession. Story is... 5 years ago, when one of my BFFs was getting married, I decided I wanted to do my hair and make up myself. So where did I go for help? Google and YouTube, of course. Why resort to…
British series over American series. Why?

British series over American series. Why?

Because I'm lazy, basically. Maybe the accents have something to do with it too. Ok, truth is, I don't really care where a show comes from. TV is becoming more and more international, what with Netflix and every other way of watching shows. And also box sets. I sometimes wait to watch a show when I can finally buy the…
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My Thank You letter to the Grammys

My Thank You letter to the Grammys

Dear Grammys, Thank you. I mean it, thank you. Why, you may ask? Well... for making me feel cool and in the loop again. Let me explain: back in the 90's and early 2000's, then I was young and a teenager, I was all about the music. I new every band, every singer, every song and every choreography. Watching the…
Having a fangirl crisis

Having a fangirl crisis

I blame it all on Aidan Turner. And Peter Jackson's casting director. And Tolkien. And Gwen. Since last December, I'm no good for anything else, but Aidan Turner. All I read, watch, talk about since December is Aidan Turner. It's like my fangirling has gone overdrive, specially cuz I can share it with Gwen and it's like the best and…
Fan casting the “Beauty & the Beast” live-action remake

Fan casting the “Beauty & the Beast” live-action remake

So we already know that Emma Watson will be playing Belle. Which is abso-freaking-lutely perfection in our opinion. And we know she'll be singing, so it's gonna a musical, probably. Now... let the best part of any movie begin: FAN CASTING! Who do you wanna see as the Beast / Prince?   GWEN: Mmmmh, let's see. I'm really bad at fan…
Committed to Cosplay

Committed to Cosplay

Cosplay is hard, hard work. It takes time, usually much more than anyone really plans, money (again, more than one can budget for), and an attention to detail that can only be described as obsessive. Often times these costumes take over our lives, permeating into every aspect of it, much like the things we fangirl about. It's really just that,…
Cumberbitch Leggings. For real.

Cumberbitch Leggings. For real.

I do love Benedict Cumberbatch. I do. And I have been know to wear T-shirts sporting the photo of my favorite boy bander whenever I went to one of their concerts. Even the occasional One Ring on my index finger for Lord of the Rings / Hobbit premieres. But maybe this is taking it too far.   eeeeeek! Need a…
Fangirling has a horrible side: The Void

Fangirling has a horrible side: The Void

Back in the day, I blogged about the 7 steps most of us undergo when we fall for a new obsession. Those 7 steps are: 1/ THE TRIGGER 2/ THE RESEARCH 3/ ADMITTING YOU HAVE A PROBLEM 4/ THE MARATHON 5/ THE HAPPINESS 6/ THE ERUDITE 7/ THE FAMILIAR EVER AFTER All was fun and games then, but now I've come…
Being Human UK Review

Being Human UK Review

It's me! I'm back! After a (not so short) hiatus, I'm back in the Fandom Obsessed world. And I'm back in full swing. Now that I finally got Ally on board of my love for Aidan Turner, I finally finished watching Being Human like a week ago. I say finally, because I actually started watching on New Year's day of…
Friends who fangirl together, stay together

Friends who fangirl together, stay together

I had forgotten how much fun it is to fangirl in company. Ok, let me explain. So I know I've been gushing over Luke Evans non-stop with my fellow Twitter Luketeers for over a year now. And I love that. I really, truly, honestly, seriously do. But is not the same as fangirling with your chummy, your BFF, your crazy…
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