Friday Night Hottie: Chris Evans

Friday Night Hottie: Chris Evans

I had decided on this week’s Friday Night Hottie, and then, suddenly, I changed my mind last night. Okay, those who know me will probably say I’m quite indecisive and I end up changing my mind 47 times before I finally decide on something. But this time, it wasn’t the case. I asked Ally for her input, and had the Hottie picked out and everything. But then, something happened. “What’s Your Number” happened. I was minding my own business, changing channels in search of something I could watch while having dinner, and BAM! There he was. Butt-naked, covered with only a kitchen cloth, and eating an apple. Oh yes… He’s going to be my Friday Night Hottie!

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Okay, let’s get down to business. Christopher Robert Evans was born on June 13, 1981. While everyone now knows him as Captain America, he’s still good ol’ Johnny Storm to me. That’s the first movie I ever saw him in, and of courseeee, it was love at first line. Johnny’s cocky attitude suited him perfectly. And yes, he was HOT. He has starred in some less known, and frankly not that bad, movies, as well as the huge big budget ones of the likes of “” and ““. The great thing about him is that he can act in a big action blockbuster type of movie, and then he can also do the smaller, romantic comedy types, like “” (okay, not a comedy, but you catch my drift), “” and ““. My favourites? All of them. I just love seeing him on the screen, no matter what role he’s playing. He’s funny, he’s nice, he’s handsome, and I just really like him, okay?

Okay, without further ado, here’s the pics. Which, let’s face it, it’s the most interesting part of this post.

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So, which of his movies do you like best? Do you prefer him on action packed movies, or romantic flicks?

captain americachris evans

Written by Gwen

Not ashamed of fangirling, even though I'm way past the "accepted" age to do so. Biggest current obsession: Jared Leto, and 30 Seconds to Mars. Love to cook, anything sweet and yummy. Movies are my favorite thing, and I've been known to go to the theater more than once a week. Loooong 'Hot Guy' list, been "collecting" them since I was 13! Most are shared with Ally, some are mine alone. We mostly fangirl over the same stuff, and our conversations are filled with flailing and "OMG's". Love to read, love to write. Fanfics that one reads are my specialty. Daydreamer to a fault, star procastinator 24/7.

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