I bet you thought we were going to give today’s honor to our new Sexiest Man Alive: Adam Levine, right? Well, you were wrong. We try not to be so predictable here. Besides, I don’t agree with People Magazine, so I’m trying to even things out. There are plenty of reasons why Chris should be our Top Hottie today:
- Gwen and I just went to see Thor: The Dark World and the only thing we can remember about that movie is his shirtless scene, his neon eyes, his deep voice and his (finally) gorgeous hair. Was there a plot in the movie? Don’t seem to remember.
- He and his wife just announced that they are waiting baby number 2. So in about 6 months we’ll have photos of him balancing 2 babies in his big, strong arms.
- He lost the number one spot in People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” list and we think that’s close to heresy.
My mission today is to convince the powers that be that they made a mistake. A huge mistake. So, people over there at People magazine *snap, snap* pay attention.
1/ Chris looked hot and cute when he was younger. Some celebrities don’t have that. Either they were cute when young and grow up to be somewhat forgettable or now they are hot and when you see them as youngsters they were… awkward… Not Chris. Hot since day number 1.
2/ Other celebrities get all buffed up for a movie role, but then they go back to reality in like, two days. Not Chris. He maintains his sculpted bod even on vacations.
3/ If your man comes home all dirty and just throws himself on the couch to drink beer, you’d kick him out. Wouldn’t you? Now… would you kick THIS out?
Didn’t think so.
4/ He has eyes that are out of this world! They are a neon, glow in the dark blue.
5/ He has the most beautiful smile like, ever!
Are you embarrassed yet, Chris?
6/ He is well… basically… a God.
7/ His voice.
8/ No man has EVER looked so hot with a baby. And a baby girl at that. *melts*
Luckiest baby girl ever!!!
9/ Come on! He even looks hot going to the grocery store!!!
10/ He is Thor.
11/ He was not only in 1 movie looking hot this year, but 2!!!
You really need any more reasons???
Maybe I didn’t convince People magazine. But I made Chris smile.
My job here is done. Have a great weekend!