Friday Night Hottie: Jared Leto

Friday Night Hottie: Jared Leto

In honor of the Academy Awards this Sunday, we decided to give this Friday Night Hottie to an actual nominee. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you this week’s hottie: Jared Leto. To be honest, I personally think the word “hottie” is a little small for him. Supermegafoxy hottie. Über hottie. Astronimic level-hotness is what this man has. Yes, I’m calling him a man. He’s 41 years old!! I know, he doesn’t look like it. Yes, I want to know his recipe too. My age is starting to show and it’s only making me jealous of him, okay? Born in Louisiana, bred all over, his first big acting job was playing Jordan Catalano in “My So-Called Life”. If you’re as old as I am, you probably remember him from there. Or from Urban Legend, Fight Club, Panic Room, Requiem for a Dream, etc…. But he wasn’t just acting. He was also pursing a career in music, his “other love”. He started the band 30 Seconds To Mars together with his older brother Shannon, and they’ve had 4 albums so far, a few world tours, and a Guinness World Record for longest tour in the world since 2012.

I know, I know, you want me to stop citing his resume, and get on with the pictures, don’t you? Because which 41 year-old can look like a kid in his twenties, and still do everything he does? One of the recurring jokes online is that he’s a vampire, because honestly, he kinda looks better than he did 20 years ago. Sweet mother of amazing gene pool.
Yes, I am obessed with this guy, so I could go on and on for hours, but maybe I should let the pics speak for themselves, shouldn’t I?
The eyes. The eyes are breathtaking.
The 2013 MTV Video Music Awards - Arrivals
The hair, too. 
And I saved the best for the end…….
You’re welcome ;)

30 seconds to marsacademy award nomineedallas buyers clubOscarWeek

Written by Gwen

Not ashamed of fangirling, even though I'm way past the "accepted" age to do so. Biggest current obsession: Jared Leto, and 30 Seconds to Mars. Love to cook, anything sweet and yummy. Movies are my favorite thing, and I've been known to go to the theater more than once a week. Loooong 'Hot Guy' list, been "collecting" them since I was 13! Most are shared with Ally, some are mine alone. We mostly fangirl over the same stuff, and our conversations are filled with flailing and "OMG's". Love to read, love to write. Fanfics that one reads are my specialty. Daydreamer to a fault, star procastinator 24/7.


  1. Jana

    I think I first saw him in Basil (1998)! :)

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  2. Ally

    I think that the first time I saw him was as Jordan Catalano… <3

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