According to Ronald Moore, there will be plenty of sex but always with a purpose. Well, Claire and Jamie do not need a purpose to roll on their naked bodies all night long, but if Moore needs a purpose, Diana Gabaldon gave a lot of meaning to every single sex scene she has written.
He assures the wedding night will have all the ingredients that made it so unforgettable to us, avid readers of the saga, and he won’t miss a single detail from it in the intent of doing justice to the novel (and for fear of his wife’s rage, who is a fan herself). Difficult task. I don’t want to be in his shoes. We all have those scenes burnt in fire in our brains and having to put those words into images must be so hard, that nobody can envy his job.
The thing is, Jamie and Claire are a sexual couple. I know that sex is founded on a very strong love relationship, but as a fan of the books, I can assure you can’t leave that part away because sex is what the characters use to express the love they have for each other. So it has meaning, but is sex. And sex is hard to show without falling into cliches or even too graphic scenes to be shown on tv.
Let us see the final product to go any further. In the meantime, biting our nails and reading the saga from page 1 won’t release the pain but at least, it will keep us entertained.