Hello there, peeps. I don’t tend to write so many personal posts. Actually… I don’t think I ever have. I kinda tend to just write about fandoms and news because I think that’s what might be fun and interesting to read about.
When Gwen and I came up with the idea of doing this blog, it was just to do something fun together. We met through a fandom and a lot of our daily conversations are about fandoms: books we are reading, movies we just watched, TV shows we are becoming obsessed with, or our current celebrity crush. There’s a lot of talk about that last one. So we just started doing it. We didn’t plan ahead. We just developed a basic structure for the site and some basic sections and went for it. We just dived into blogging. We didn’t think about who might read it, which topics would get the most views or what shows were popular. We just wrote about what we liked, thinking that if we liked it, there must be at least 5 other people out there who liked it too.
Besides, if we had fun and our friends had fun when we got together and talked about this stuff, someone else was bound to laugh at least once with something we wrote. But we basically did it for ourselves.
But blogging has turned into something more serious. I still only write about the stuff I like. I won’t blog about “Scandal” just because it’s huge. It’s not something I watch. I’m sure it’s awesome, but it’s not something I would become obsessed with. I need to be excited and obsessed about something to actually get inspired enough to blog about it.
Today, almost at the end of the year, I feel like doing some… introspection… Now, I do care about who is reading. I still think the best way to make sure a post is good and funny, is that I need to have fun while doing it. If I laugh, someone else will laugh too. But I have changed my way of approaching the posts, since I started doing this.
Before, I had to search the Net for something to give me some kind of inspiration. Some kind of idea or topic to write about. Once I had that, I just sort of wrote whatever came to mind and that was that. Now, my head is bursting with ideas and I don’t know where to start. I have a notebook full of topics I wanna blog about.
And I do try to be more careful when writing. Ok, typos do happen, but it’s not like I just vomit the words onto my keyboard. I actually think ahead and plan the structure of the post. My English teacher would be so proud.
Blogging has it’s pros and cons, of course. But I love it.
What cons you may ask? Well… I’m not a full time blogger. I actually do have a full time job. Though I tend to Tweet like a loon from the office. Don’t tell my boss that! So between commuting to and from work, actually working, doing household chores, dealing with the family, going out with friends and having a semi-normal life, leaves little to no time at all for blogging. Trying to be an almost funtional, normal human being is time consuming. And I hate when I don’t have time to blog!!!
Also, inspiration seems to hit me only in 2 very particular moments: (1) when I’m about to go to sleep. No! Actually? When I’m about to fall asleep. I’m already cozy in bed, lights out, eyes shut and about to go into REM when… BAM! My mind starts thinking of ideas. Even whole sentences and paragraphs. Apparently, REM is my most creative moment. Which totally sucks. Because I either say “oh well… I’ll just write it all down in the morning”, which obviously I don’t, cuz when I wake up the next day, I don’t remember a single word. or… I get up, grab a notebook and start writing. In which case, I don’t go to sleep until 3 in the morning and next day, I’m a totally zombie. And don’t get me started on the ink stains on my pillows and sheets. Awful, just awful.
And (2), my mind comes up with great blog ideas when I’m riding some sort of public transportation, either the bus, train, subway… Where I can’t take out a notebook and takes notes. And neither can I grab my phone to record a voice note. People would think I’m mental. Which I am, but there’s no reason for them to know. So all those brilliant, funny ideas goes straight to hell.
Another con is time. I need more time. Cuz I can either watch a show or read a book or blog about them. I don’t have the time to do both. Also… the computer doesn’t inspire me. So I have to write the post down on my notebook and then transcribe it. Yeah… not very practical.
But blogging has a lot of pros too. One might think it’s kind of a lonely activity cuz it’s just you, writing. But it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Because of the blog, I’ve started talking with people from all over the world, who share my same interests and we have such fun together, I can’t even begin to explain it. It’s amazing to know that you have many people out there, just a Tweet away, that know what you like, share your interests and are always ready to have fun.
It has also broadened my interests. By blogging, reading the comments you guys leave, or by just Tweeting with each other, I’ve discovered many great shows, books and movies. I might have never watched Sherlock if Zoe hadn’t mentioned how much she loved it, I might have never read the Christina Lauren books if people in my Twitter feed weren’t going crazy about it. So all the suggestions, comments and gushing about books, movies, shows, actors and the like, have really improved my fandom-ing…
Blogging is a very nice creative outlet. It’s fun to think about what you are going to write, how you are going to deal with the subject. It’s fun to search for photos, videos and GIFs to go with the post. It’s helped me put into practice my writing skills, my vocabulary. I have to think of the structure, the introduction, conclusion and all in between. And now… I think like a blogger. Like, every conversation, movie, book, magazine article or even going out to get a cup of coffee, can now turn into a potential blog post. So it’s fun to having my mind always on the look-out for topics.
But the best, the very best, is getting to know other people who share my interests and have fun. Sometimes at the end of a long, hard day, something as simple as a Tweet with a photo of say… Luke Evans, can cheer me up.
So if you are thinking of starting up a blog, do it! Don’t be afraid. Just do it. You don’t need to have 1,000 visits each day, you don’t need to make money or be famous. You just need to have fun. And trust me, you’ll have fun. Even if it’s just you and 3 of your friends who read the blog, just thinking about what to write and actually writing, will be enough.