My 2013 Fandom Boyfriends fight to the death

My 2013 Fandom Boyfriends fight to the death

Ok, maybe nothing so dramatic as all that. But, as November is almost over and December is already showing it’s Christmasy face, I feel the need to start reviewing the year that’s almost over. 2013 was a very good year Fandom-wise. And, in adding to my ever-growing lists of Celebrity Crushes and Book Boyfriends, 2013 introduced me to some very hot guys.

You may say that Chris Hemsworth, Loki and Jamie Fraser should be included in this post (because you wanna see them fight shirtless). But I already knew them from before. Maybe include smoking hot Superman? But I happen to know Henry Cavill as far back as I can remember (and given his buff shape for the movie, it wouldn’t be totally fair on the competition, now would it?). This fight for the Top Spot is just for guys I first met during 2013. So today, these 4 guys will prove themselves, with some arbitrary and totally subjective tests, invented by me (well, duh).

On one corner, we have the BOOK BOYFRIEND FACE OFF.

I have so many book boyfriends, that it is safe to call me a book slut. Even to my face. I don’t mind. This year, only 2 guys stole my literary heart: Four, from the series and Will Sumner, from .

On the other corner, we have my hot CELEBRITY CRUSHES FACE OFF.

If we think about it, my new celebrity crushes are tied to 2 of my book boyfriends. and will be the ones dueling today. Not the same as saying it is a match between Jamie Fraser and Four, cuz we all know how that would end even before it began.

Let us begin with the literary portion of the festivities, shall we?


Following my own 8 simple rules to dating my book boyfriend, we’ll pit these 2 literary hotties against each other.

1/ Book Cover

Lately, book covers are hot. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but… damn! Some covers are smoking!


Between Will and Four, Will has the best cover, obviously! I know the Divergent series are more about Tris and the whole mess in this dystopian world, and that Will’s book is more of a romance novel, but still. Points for Team Will. Even if the designer decided to hack half his face off, he’s still the hottest. It actually adds to the allure. Don’t tell me you don’t want to just rip open that shirt and vest?

2/ Hotness

Man, this one is tough. I mean… Four is hot as hell. What with the dark blue eyes, the incredible height, the deep voice, the muscular body and the full bottom lip. He is all man. In my head. Cuz in the reality of the books, he is just a young 18 year old boy. Barely out of high school. Not good. Not good at all (specially not good in the 3rd book, where he becomes a sort of whinny kid). An 18 year old might be hot, but from my 30 year old self perspective, he is a baby. And I may be a book slut, but I ain’t no book cougar. On the other hand, Will is 31. Tall, extremely fit and has a face to die for. Hanna (his leading lady), actually trips just because he is taking his shirt off. If that doesn’t clue you in as to how hot he is… Team Will wins this match.

3/ Tattoos

Both guys have ink on their perfect skin. But this one is a no-brainer. Team Four wins its first match. Will’s tattoos have meaning too, but Four’s ink has a whole other level of symbolism and they are totally bad-ass.

4/ Tortured Soul

Even though Four is 13 years younger than Will, compared to Four’s past, Will is a new born puppy. Will grew up with his mom and 2 older sisters to smother him in kisses. He went to an Ivy league university and was a total player in his teens and twenties. Four lost his mother at a young age, was terrorized by his dad and had to keep his true self hidden. Is there any doubt as to whom you’d rather cuddle? Points for Team Four.

5/ Quotable quotes

OMG! Shakespeare on a toast! I have to hand this match to Will. No questions asked. Not only does he say the hottest things everrrrr during the sex scenes, but he is also sweet as hell! Talking about being claimed and all that.

quote1 quote2

6/ Personality

I gotta give it to Will. Even though Four is confident, a born leader and very supportive of Tris (sometimes), Will is just better. He is funny, he has a great sense of humor, he is a total geek, he is also confident and totally supportive of Hanna.

7/ Sex scenes

Given the fact that I’m still wondering if there actually was a sex scene in Allegiant (which, if you have doubts, means there probably wasn’t), Will wins this match. Like, really wins it. He just murdered Four in this item. Will is just… dreamy. And creative.

8/ Real Life Potential

Who can I picture as my actual real life boyfriend? Will, please. The whole 18 year old kid wielding a gun doesn’t do it for.

BOOK BOYFRIEND WINNER: Will Sumner (6 points vs. 2 points)


Now let’s continue with the flesh and blood part of the program.


1/ Character I know them from

I actually got to know these 2 actors when they were announced for their respective roles. I had no prior knowledge of them and I had never seen them in anything. I got to know Theo when he was announced as Four and Sam, when some poor PR intern at Starz lost his or her job, tweeting that Sam had been cast as Jamie Fraser. Naturally, this match goes to Team Sam. Nothing beats James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser. Nothing. Like, ever.

2/ Promotional Pictures


I know we are in the midst of Divergent PR campaign, so there’s a lot more material available for Theo. But… just taking into account these 2 “character” promo pics, Theo wins. Hands down. I still want to roll in the hay with Sam and check if he wears his kilt as a true Scot would do. But, damn! Theo’s photo just makes me wanna lick his back.

3/ Viewing Material

I’ve been seriously trying to commit something close to grand theft auto in my pursuit of Sam viewing material, but there’s so little available it’s driving me nuts. And there are still very few interviews. So I can’t easily get my fix to feed my imagination and stoke the fire of my crush. On the other hand, I sort of inhaled all 13 episodes of “Golden Boy” in about 2 consecutive nights. I then went on to watch “Bedlam”, “Underworld” and “You will meet a tall dark stranger”, over and over again. Not only that, but YouTube is full of very interesting Theo interviews, in which he always makes some kid of sex joke. If that wasn’t enough, Theo singing “Skin” is now my ringtone. Points for Team Theo.

4/ Voice and Accent

Lately, I’m crazy about guys’s voices. Both Sam and Theo have amazing ones. Wanna hear?



Have you picked yourself up from the floor yet? Ok, let’s keep moving then. Though I prefer Sam’s Scottish brogue over Theo’s English accent, I have to admit that Theo’s deep, vibrating voice does things to me.

5/ Online Personality

Whereas Theo is nowhere to be found, Sam is all over the Internet (Instagram and Twitter, mainly), being all kings of fun and cute. Not only does he quote Jamie on Twitter causing our ovaries to commit suicide, has a love-twitter-fest with Diana Gabladon and post hot selfies and the first ever Claire + Jamie selfie (even if it were just their shadows) on Instagram, he also does things like this:


Sam just earned a very well deserved point.

6/ Hotness

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Ok, if I had to vote for the photoshoot, Sam would win. But hotness? Theo. All the way to China. Don’t get me wrong, Sam is smoking hot, but I’m still not quite sold. There’s something about his face. He looks great 97% of the time, but sometimes… nah. Know what I mean? If you do, please tell me. Cuz even I don’t know what it is that doesn’t fully convince me. Theo, on the other hand, looks good even when sneezing.

CELEBRITY CRUSH WINNER: Theo James (4 points against 2).


So, Will Sumner and Theo James just became the champions of Fandom Obsessed first ever Face Off. I swear I didn’t plan on who would win, prior to writing this post. I should have had an inkling though. I’ve already used Theo James to Fan Cast Will Sumner: Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Beautiful Playerbook boyfrienddivergent trilogyTobiasWill Sumner
Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Game of Thrones, Arrow (I ship Olicity. Hard.), Glee, The Big Bang Theory. Past addictions: Friends, Spartacus, Smash, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). Future obsessions: Outlander on Starz, obviously. The Hot List: Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Jai Courtney, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!

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