My two favorite people

My two favorite people

I swear I sometimes feel like I’m fangirling over the wrong people. We are all crazy about Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Hemsworth, Jared Leto, Luke Evans… I understand the appeal. I really do. But there are 2 other men who should be crowned as Internet’s boyfriends. 2 other men who are amazing actors, have a stunning career, are witty, cool, funny, smart, talented, sexy. 2 other men who we should all be worshiping.

These 2 men.


Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart.

*standing ovation*

I mean, these are men who do these kind of things:

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And now comes this very epic interview!!!

You must indulge me in letting me do this sort of video breakdowns. I love watching DVDs with the cast or director’s commentary, so I feel like this is my doing of the interview’s commentary. Can you hear my voice over?

00:31 – and people are all “Oh My God” and yelling for no apparent reason. Ok, I’d do the same having those 2 amazing Sirs in front, but it’s hilarious that they both started checking themselves to see if something was the matter

01:21 – the audience goes “aaaaawwwww” when Patrick says they were both arm in arm and that they aren’t sick of each other. This interview is going to be awesome!!!

02:25 – “Gogo and Didi do NYC”. This guys are killing me

03:40 – “You know it as a blog. But you are looking at the guy who invented blogging”, say Sir Ian McKellen. Can I love this guy more? Talking about how he was into social media way back in 2000 while filming Lord of the Rings and how important this is. Can we build this guy a monument? Or a the very least, a cute plaque?

05:30 – I love how Patrick Stewart says that social media gives them, the actors, personal contact with the audience. That’s nice. I hadn’t actually thought it that way. It’s always about the fact that the fans can have direct contact with their favorite actors, directors, musicians. It’s amazing to see that he appreciates it the other way round.

07:14 – “I’ve forgotten your question”. That made me laugh out loud!!!

08:34 – “Alright, they might be coming to see Gandalf and Magneto. Proffesor Xavier and Captain Pikard”. Jesus! All my fandom feels go through the roof!

09:30 – you just have to listen to Ian McKellen talk about the theater and authors and words. If you don’t watch the whole interview, at least watch this little part. I loved what he said.

16:38 – Ian McKellen wants to have a chat show. That would be brilliant!!!

19:45 – This moment

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21:55 – Patrick Stewart going “are we there yet??? I’ll take that as a no”. I would watch anything these two guys did

22:23 – them not knowing which X-Men movies they’ve done is brilliant. “I’m Magneto! I’m not a geek!” Can I have that printed on a shirt, please?

23:25 – “What am I doing on the front of that comic book”? “Exactly”! Best audition everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

25:30 – Ian Mckellen talking about coming out and his experience is wonderful to hear. As he says “it gladdens the heart”

30:30 – “But we do have superhero costumes” “and they are divine”! Seriously? Hos can you not love them both?

33:54 – “How can anything be apocalyptic without Magneto and Professor X”? Very good question, kind Sir

34:24 – Stop the world!!! Ian McKellen will be playing Sherlock Holmes!!!

35:48 – Rapid Fire Round of Questions. Do yourself a favor and watch this.

23:15 – The Newlywed Game: The Best Friends edition. Seriously? Who was the master mind who thought of this?


Please. Watch this interview. It’s absolutely fantastic!

Ian McKelleninterviewPatrick Stewart

Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Game of Thrones, Arrow (I ship Olicity. Hard.), Glee, The Big Bang Theory, Marvel Agents of SHIELD. Past addictions: Friends, Spartacus, Smash, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). Future obsessions: Outlander on Starz, obviously. The Hot List: Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Luke Evans, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!


  1. Jenny27

    This interview was amazing! I watched it the other day and couldn’t stop laughing. Both guys are incredibly talented, so funny and so classy. I wish I could see them live in Broadway. That would be fantastic.

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    1. Ally

      Ooh! I wish I could see them on Broadway too!!!

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