I do like the show for the story, the characters, the villains, the heroes and everything else. But my heart belongs to Olicity. It simple does. Felicity won me over to Team Olicity as soon as she appeared babbling on screen on her very first episode.
So imagine my emotion when I saw this promo for season 3:
You guys, #AllTheFeels!!!
Yes, Oliver still has secrets, women keep kicking ass, people are still failing the city. But I don’t care about any of those things. All I care about is the split second we see Oliver almost kiss Felicity.
Now, my dear Arrow writers, don’t drag the inevitable. I do know how season 2 ended and all, but please! You keep teasing us! That’s just plain evil. I know a lot of Olicity shippers are nodding their heads right now. Please, don’t show us that on the teaser and then drag it up to episode 15. That would be mean and I heart wouldn’t be able to take it.