Open Letter to the Arrow Writers, from a suffering Oliciter

Open Letter to the Arrow Writers, from a suffering Oliciter

Dear Arrow Writers,

What’s up? Been up to anything good lately? Like finally having Oliver kiss the daylights out of Felicity? No? Too bad… Let me tell you something then. Due to work and real life, I was a bit behind on my Arrow-episode-watching. So this weekend I finally watched episodes 6 and 7 back-to-back. It was a lot to take in, in only one sitting. And now, I’m having Olicity feels. Like, a lot of them.

First of all, I want to congratulate you. The show is amazing. Last season, I started watching the show because of Stephen Amell’s shirtless promo posters (well, duh! I’m only human). But I kept on watching because of the stories and characters (and the salmon ladder. Hey, I’m still only human!). You’ve created some very good entertainment! And, in a more specific point, I love what you’ve done with Oliver + Felicity. I know a lot has to do with the actors’s performances and the explosive on-screen chemistry that Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards have. Come on! Even from that very first meeting!!! It was just under a minute and it already had me yelling at my screen: “forget about Laurel!!! Do the cute IT girl!!!”

You weren’t planning on that, huh?

And then, it all went down hill from there… Olicity was born and I’ve never shipped a couple more than I do these two. It doesn’t help that I’ve been reading several romance novels set in the work place lately (Fifty Shades… Beautiful Bastard series…). So I have a lot of material in my head for the CEO and his Assistant. My mind is about to explode!!! Olicity is driving me insane. And… you are making it worse. You write some awesome scenes for them, with a lot of great lines (mainly on Felicity’s part). But is not enough, not nearly enough. You always give us, Olicity Shippers, some cute scenes where the actors’s chemistry just flies everywhere, but you leave it at that. No kiss, no hug, no nothing! And even though I loooooove you, I’m kinda starting to hate you. This is frustrating. I understand the wanting to create a build up to something, the teasing, the expectation. But this is getting desperate! Let’s review some of the evidence, some of the amazing scenes from season 1:

From the get go, we know that Oliver sees Felicity as a very intelligent, useful and resourceful gal. Point for you,Writers. It’s amazing to see a female character introduced mainly through her smarts. And this scene from one of the very first episodes shows some of the basics for Olicity: Oliver asking Felicity for help, Oliver relaying on her, Felicity making him smile and Felicity speaking her mind. Nice formula you have there.

The good-natured, fun bickering between them is always fun to witness. Some of the dialogues you wrote were perfect. They are so perfect, they work wonders for the GIF-creating community. Him standing behind her, with his arms on either side of her, is hot as hell. Her loving eyes at the end? Priceless!

Him smiling at something Felicity said, even-though he is feeling like crap, is superb. And you do that several times. Love the fact that Felicity manages to make Oliver smile. And having her just blurting out things about how hot he is? I can totally relate. Good job!

This scene just sealed it for me. I was so on-board the Olicity Ship that is was ridiculous! You really outdid yourselves here.

And so… the trio is born. Olicity shippers were jumping up and down all over the world. And it was the first time we heard Oliver talking about protecting Felicity. Ovaries were exploding everywhere.

Before, it was just cute fun and games. But now, the sexual tension began. Nice build it, writers. You were on the right track!

Continuing with the good stuff, Oliver finally realizes Felicity is a girl! Honestly, it took her a tiny dress and loose hair for him to open his eyes. Here Writers, you missed a huge opportunity. Have him compliment her. And see Felicity babble and thousands of fans melt and tweet her hearts out. Aaaaand you know how the Dodger is gonna end. Oliver has a tendency to be quite nasty to anyone who threatens Felicity.

They keep on having cute moments when he saves her. But please… can we have a kiss? A Hug? Something!!!

He worries about her. He is always touching her shoulder. And… have you noticed that he always whispers when he talks to Felicity? Is that written in or is just the performance? Either way… BRI-LLIANT!

Whoever of you guys thought of the “feels good having you inside me” deserves a freaking medal!

My beloved writers, you really outdid yourselves with this one. Aaaannddd… you used it to mercilessly tease us at the time. Great line, and great situation. The look they give each other is priceless!

So, things were kinda escalating. We Oliciters were on cloud 9. What’s great about this relationship is that, while everyone calls Oliver “Ollie”, felicity calls him Oliver. For me, that means that she doesn’t hold him to his past. He is not a spoiled, useless, womanizer brat for her. For Felicity, he is the grown-up, post island Oliver. Someone to be respected. She is the only relationship (besides Diggs), that doesn’t have ties to is past. Another great thing, the can really work together. They are partners. While he has saved her neck a lot of times, more often than not, Felicity is the one helping him. So, writers, kudos! You’ve created a beautiful relationship.

Season one was over, and we Oliciters were eagerly awaiting season 2, which started off with a bang!

OHEMGEE!!! Hold on to your seats! Cuz if this is how the season starts, we’re in for a bumpy ride, right? Right, writers? Please!!!

Whispering while talking to Felicity, touching her shoulder, smiling when she says something ridiculous? Check! Heck, yeah! They are back!

Making Felicity his Executive Assistant? Good job! This could get kinky any minute now! Dear Writers, I’m betting season 2 will be awesome for Oliciters.

Bravo writers! That cup of coffee was filled with feels! And the way he stares at her!!! OMG!!! Will Olicity finally happen? And the season kept having cute little moments like when you had Felicity touch Oliver’s face to wipe up blood at the party…

And then…

Ha! So he’s noticed her skirts?!?!

WHAT?!?! NO, NO, NOOOO!!! What have you done? Do you want to murder us all? WHY? Why did you do that? That was evil!!! You’ve been prepping us all this time for THIS to happen?

I’m about to cry right now! All my Olicity dreams are crumbling down! If this is the way you writers are taking, I better start reading some FanFic. Really, why? You were doing so good with this couple. They always had such cute moments. And Felicity babbling about Oliver’s hot bod was sooooooooooo relatable! I can sue you? I should sue you. You built up my hopes for nothing. You can’t do that to a poor fangirl. But… this whole situation (even though it was heartbreaking) it shows two good things: (1) Felicity really likes him. Not just his bod, but she really likes him and… (2) Oliver really likes her too!!! I feel like uncorking some champagne!

Ok. I just might forgive you. This was better. Much better. He really, really cares for her. There’s still hope!!!


So, the whole point to this quite extensive letter is: pleeeeeeease! Stop our suffering and just make Olicity happen!!! I know Oliver will probably end up with Lauren, cuz it’s canon and all, but can we have a few episodes with him hooking up with Felicity? Think about it. That relationship is full of possibilities. Oliver really cares for her, and respects her. So, that will humanize him. We will be able to see his softer side, him being cute. Him worrying about her. Her driving him crazy! LOL! And Felicity will have the time of her life! And she would be able to boss him around. And can you imagine Diggle watching all this happen and just laughing his ass off? Priceless. Honestly, I’m doing you a favor. Olicity is the best thing that can happen to this show.

Dear Writers, I beg you. Stop teasing. Stop the whole build up and expectations. Stop Oliver screwing around with evil Isabel and having Felicity sad and disappointed. Just… make Olicity happen, ok? At least, for some episodes.



A die-hard Olicity-shipper. 



Video credits:

GIF credits:

emily bett rickardsfelicityfelicity smoakshipping
Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Game of Thrones, Arrow (I ship Olicity. Hard.), Glee, The Big Bang Theory. Past addictions: Friends, Spartacus, Smash, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). Future obsessions: Outlander on Starz, obviously. The Hot List: Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Jai Courtney, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!


  1. laura

    Oliver will end up with Laurel??? Ugh NO!!!
    Olicity has to be endgame!!
    Laurel and Oliver together are disgusting

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    1. Ally

      Don’t really know if Oliver ends up with Laurel. I haven’t read the comics. But, for what I’ve heard, that’s the canon. Which sucks! LOL!
      I so hope Olicity is the end game! They are so cute together!!!

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