Alternative ending to the Outlander trailer (or how can your life be ruined in 7 seconds)

Alternative ending to the Outlander trailer (or how can your life be ruined in 7 seconds)

I wasn’t going to post anything today because its… well, its Sunday and I’m lazy and I wanted to reserve the posts for the week. But Outlander happened. Yeap. My life lately seems to be dictated by the whims of the Outlander / Starz PR people. Not that I mind, really. But still. Last night was the premiere for Starz’s new series “Black Sails” (more on that tomorrow). And, in the midst of swashbuckling buccaneers, it was the premiere for the Outlander trailer.

“Oh, we’ve seen that” would be what a normal person would say. But we are not normal people here and we just had to watch it again, just in case. Seems like the good old Starz people aren’t quite normal either, because they decided to throw us a bone in the form of a bonus track: an alternative ending to the trailer. Paradise.


Haven’t seen it? Starz is such a nice network that they have already posted it online for us. Aren’t they the most perfect network ever? They sure do know how to keep fans happy. Good new stuff starts at 00:34


Before we start discussing how awesome this is, let me tell you something. I’m worried. I’m really worried. I cannot stress enough how seriously worried I am. Each day I grow even more worried. I’m starting to think I will not survive the premiere of the first episode of this show. I mean… it’s just 7 seconds. Just 7 tiny little seconds of new footage. And I’m going insane! Really, even though you might have dreamed all night long about Jamie saying “You need not be scairt of me or anyone else here, as long as I’m with ye”, it was just 7 seconds. Don’t believe me? Count them on your You Tube viewer as I did: 34… 35… 36… 37… 38… 39… 40. From blackout to blackout. Just 7 bloody seconds and I’m grinning like an idiot and giddy as hell since yesterday.

Can this truly be that perfect?  If all the stuff we’ve been seeing is any indication, the people responsible for this adaptation are pure genius!

This 7 new seconds that managed to disrupt my whole weekend are perfect because they are about Jamie. Finally! Ok, ok, ok. I know Outlander is really Claire’s story and journey. I get that. I LOOOOVE that. Claire is the most perfect female character ever. I really am grateful that the show will be from Claire’s point of view because it is ultimately her story. But we wanted just a little bit of Jamie. He is the one who has ruined us for all other book boyfriends and real life men. Even the writers of the show call him “the king of men”. So you can imagine what he does to us poor readers.

On the original trailer, apart from him yelling Tularch Ard and the smoldering look he gives Claire at the end, we had nothing. Now, we have him shirtless and talking. And saying that particular phrase. Can you hear thousands of women around the world swooning?


And can we talk about Claire’s pissed off face on the second image?

Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Outlander, Game of Thrones, Arrow (I ship Olicity. Hard.), The Big Bang Theory, Marvel Agents of SHIELD. Past addictions: Friends, Glee, Spartacus, Smash, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). The Hot List: Luke Evans, Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!


  1. Marifel T.

    Holy. Smokes. What are we going to do?!? There are some serious issues when the fandom imlpodes (see Twitter) just from those, thank you for counting, 7 seconds!??! These tidbits of DG’s amazing work will be COUNTED DOWN on screen.

    They, Starz, Sony, Tall Ships, the show-trailer gods must have known that we’d go sideways. Come on! I don’t think anyone was expecting us to have an actual SCENE come to life, one that is emblazoned in our hearts?!?

    So much for us in those 7 seconds. Thank you for counting!

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  2. Ally

    I know!!! Seeing and actual scene come to life, with dialogue and all was the highlight. It was perfection!!!
    And I truly believe the Internet will implode during the season premiere. Or at the very least, we will break Twitter

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  3. Cristin

    Seeing AND hearing Jamie truly delivering those words to Claire….my head is going to explode

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    1. Ally

      Welcome to the team then, Cristin. We are trying to hire a medical team for the show’s premiere

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