Starz announced Outlander’s release date (August 9th) and we went a bit overboard

Starz announced Outlander’s release date (August 9th) and we went a bit overboard

#OMG!!! The day has finally arrived! #Starz has announced the #OutlanderRealeaseDate (about time too!!!). And we are so #excited we wanna make it go viral and trend the date. So hold on to your number sign cuz we are going to hashtag the hell out of your August 9th ass!!!

ALLY: #OMG #FinallyReleaseDate!!!

GWEN: #ThisIsTooAmazing #August9 #OutlanderTakesOverTheInternet

ALLY: #ImCryingSoHardRightNow #IsItAugust9Yet ???

GWEN: #AmISupposedToKeepItTogetherUntilThen #BecauseIdontThinkIcan

ALLY: #IwontSurviveUntilAugust9 #SettingTheOutlanderCountdownNow #ImLovingTheOutlanderPoster


GWEN: #ThatPoster #IsEverything #ItsPERFECT #AndTheTagline #WhatIfYourFutureWasThePast? #HYPERVENTILATING

ALLY: #InstantGoosebumps #RunClaireRun #JamieIsHotAsHell

GWEN: #SheNeedsToLetGoOfFranksHand #WhatAreYouDoing #YourPerfectManIsRightThereeee

ALLY: #RunClaireRun #JamieIsEverything #ThatKiltIsEasyToTakeOff #HeHasABigSword

GWEN: #WeKnowLiveInThe1700sIsHard #YouNeedToTakeOneForTheTeam #WeWantToSeeTheDirk #ISaidDIRK #GetYourMindOutOfTheGutterLadiesssss

ALLY: #MyMindLivesInTheGutter #JamieHasABigDIRK #HeKnowsHowToUseIt #CanAugust9BeTomorrow???

GWEN: #HeReallyKnowsHowToUseIttttt #IDontKnowHowImGonnaMakeIt #BetterGoAndContinueMyReReadingOfTheSeries

ALLY: #LearningCPRisTheWayToGo #SurvivingOutlander #CanIRunTowardsJamieToo?

GWEN: #TackleClaire #IfSheHesitatesWereTakingHim! #NinjaStealthyMoves

ALLY: #ILoveClaireRandall #ButILoveJamieFraserMore #TackleClaireAndTakeJamie #WeAreQuickBitches

Gwen and Ally
Written by Gwen and Ally

Soul sisters. Twins from another mother and sisters from another mister. We have highly addictive personalities with a slight touch of obsession. Some shared fandoms, some where we don't coincide. Movie night is a must, as is texting while Award-show-watching. Deep tendency to crush on hot celebs. Both quote movies in every day conversations. Talk about fictional characters as if they were real people.

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