
12 articles
Something we all have to deal with: clueless clerks

Something we all have to deal with: clueless clerks

We fans have to deal with all sorts of things: long hiatus, official casting not being as awesome as fan casting, our calendars bursting at the seams with release dates and live streamings happening while we are at work or at school, among other things. But today, we are going to talk about our arch-nemesis: clueless clerks. We've all been…
Pimp my phone! Apps for the Fandom Obsessed

Pimp my phone! Apps for the Fandom Obsessed

You guys! My phone is telling me that I don't have any more available space to keep downloading Apps!!! Seriously! When, how, WHY did that happen? I'm so screwed!!! I just need to have more space for all my stuff!!! I neeeeeed it! And I have most of my photos, videos, GIFs and fandom stuff on the memory card. What…
Is Fandom overtaking your life?

Is Fandom overtaking your life?

If you follow this blog and are reading this very entry, well... we all already know the answer to that particular question. Don't we? But if you are still uncertain (or you just want to have a bit of fun), please do take this test and see how far gone you really are. 1/ You have a photo of your…
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Fandom Introspection: Shared Fandom = InstaFriends

Fandom Introspection: Shared Fandom = InstaFriends

See what I did there? I sometimes crack myself up. Fandom and the Internet are wonderful things. Ok, they can be dangerous and crazy places too, mind you. Generally, the fans that get the spotlight are the crazies. The ones that always default to stalker mode (and not in an innocent, Twitter-Instagram way); the loud, violent, outspoken ones who are…
7 Steps to recognizing you’ve fallen for an obsession

7 Steps to recognizing you’ve fallen for an obsession

Here at Fandom Obsessed we embrace our obsessions. We yield to our temptations. Long ago we've admitted to ourselves that the key to a happy existence is not to fight your impulses, but to make them your own. If you believe the same thing, I applaud you, sister. If you don't, just read these following 7 steps that I'll describe…
Fandom Introspection: when RL gets in the way of Fandom

Fandom Introspection: when RL gets in the way of Fandom

If you are a regular here, you may have noticed that I took a 3 day hiatus. Hey! TV shows have some weeks-long hiatus, so me taking 3 days is nothing! Having a blog is hard work. And sometimes, Real Life gets in the way of your Fandom. And it sucks! Thing is, I so totally don't mind when my…
The worst things that can happen while reading

The worst things that can happen while reading

I'm a book addict. I love reading with a passion. And there are some terrible things that can happen to you when you are reading, that can totally ruin the experience for you. Let's see... SPILL YOUR COFFEE OVER THE BOOK YOUR BUS IS FULL YOU ARRIVE AT WORK JUST WHEN YOU GOT TO THE BEST PART YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER…
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The Pain of Being a Doctor Who Fan

The Pain of Being a Doctor Who Fan

It was announced about a month or so ago that Peter Capaldi was officially going to be the 12th incarnation of the Doctor. While I have no real strong opinions about him, the most I have seen him in is The Fires of Pompeii, the announcement itself thrilled me beyond anything. Why would the announcement of a new Doctor thrill…
Fandom Introspection: I’m a Pop Culture Junkie

Fandom Introspection: I’m a Pop Culture Junkie

Admitting your problem is the first step in the road to recovery. And I have a serious problem. Not as serious as Amanda Bynes's, but still. I don't know if I should read a self-help book, go to an AA meeting or just yield to temptating and be happy. You see, I'm a Pop Culture Junkie. I like Pop Culture…
Ryan Gosling can’t keep Eva Mendes Happy?

Ryan Gosling can’t keep Eva Mendes Happy?

This can't be happening. But apparently, some media rumors are saying that this woman (whose name I won't write again cause she is playing with my toys), is not satisfied with Ryan's performance in the bedroom department. He is working a lot and she wants him available every single hour of the day (who wouldn't?). So my advice is simple,"…
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