harry potter

4 articles
Reading Allegiant and I have feels!

Reading Allegiant and I have feels!

October 22nd has been marked in my calendar for a long, long time now. I've been counting the days till the release of Allegiant, the 3rd and last installment in the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. When over a month ago, the book was leaked, I refused to even glimpse online for a copy or spoilers. Out of respect for…
Disney is becoming Nerdvana!!!

Disney is becoming Nerdvana!!!

If all the rumors turn out to be true, Disney will no longer be the magical place for little kids, but rather a wet dream for Geeks. A trip to Universal Studios Orlando is like crossing the brick wall on Platform 9 3/4 and entering the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. In 2017, we will be able to visit Avatar Land…
Potterheads rejoice: they still want to shake a few more coins out of us

Potterheads rejoice: they still want to shake a few more coins out of us

As a hard core Tolkien fan who has read everything I could get my hands on (almost to his grocery shopping list), I'm sort of bipolar with this piece of news. A couple of days ago, Warner Bros. announced that they got JK Rowling to accept revisiting the wizarding world of Harry Potter. I mean, come on! When she said…
We solemnly swear, we are up to no good! Google is mapping Diagon Alley

We solemnly swear, we are up to no good! Google is mapping Diagon Alley

When you turned 11 you didn't get an acceptance letter to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Don't worry. Google Maps takes you to Diagon Alley by means of their excellent Street View. Diagon Alley is the main shopping area in the Harry Potter universe, where students from the book series go to buy schoolbooks, wands, candy, flying brooms and…