
3 articles
Fandom Introspection: I’m a Pop Culture Junkie

Fandom Introspection: I’m a Pop Culture Junkie

Admitting your problem is the first step in the road to recovery. And I have a serious problem. Not as serious as Amanda Bynes's, but still. I don't know if I should read a self-help book, go to an AA meeting or just yield to temptating and be happy. You see, I'm a Pop Culture Junkie. I like Pop Culture…
Fandom Introspection: I have a confession

Fandom Introspection: I have a confession

I have a confession to make. I've been thinking about this for a long time and was scared of admitting it. It's a very shameful secret here in the world of fandom. But I have to get it out. Even though I have an ever growing harem of celeb crushes... there are some I just don't like. There. I said…
Fandom Introspection: we are not alone

Fandom Introspection: we are not alone

I've been a fangirl as far as I can remember. Most of my life, I've had a fandom or been obsessed over something: that being a movie, a tv show, a music band, a book or a hot celeb. When I was a little girl and you had to go rent movies on VHS (yeah, I'm THAT old), the people…