Jared Leto

10 articles
We should be casting directors: our fantasy pairings

We should be casting directors: our fantasy pairings

Hugh Jackman said in a recent interview that he would love to see Wolverine as part of The Avengers. Yes. Stop squeeing. We are excited too, of course. Ok, ok. Stop screaming!!! We know it would be awesome seeing Wolverine interact with Iron Man. And we know the press junkets between Hugh Jackman and Robert Downey Jr would be epic.…
When Shipping Dreams Come True

When Shipping Dreams Come True

I have a confession to make. Jared Leto winning the Best Supporting Actor Oscar this past Sunday was not the most exciting part of the night for me, despite the fact that I now have the autograph of an Academy Award Winner in a frame on my wall. Nor was the selfie, or the pizza, or Adele Mazzine singing 'Let…
Oscars 2014 Recap: celeb slumber party

Oscars 2014 Recap: celeb slumber party

Some friends get together to watch movies, order pizza, photobomb each other and take some fun selfies to upload to Twitter, so other friends can see it and re-tweet it. Sounds like a normal friends gathering, right? Wrong. It was the Oscars. Yup. The 2014 Academy Awards Ceremony. It may seem kinda stupid, but it was actually brilliant. Not only…
Friday Night Hottie: Jared Leto

Friday Night Hottie: Jared Leto

In honor of the Academy Awards this Sunday, we decided to give this Friday Night Hottie to an actual nominee. Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you this week's hottie: Jared Leto. To be honest, I personally think the word "hottie" is a little small for him. Supermegafoxy hottie. Über hottie. Astronimic level-hotness is what this man has. Yes, I'm calling…
Friday Night Hottie: Body Parts

Friday Night Hottie: Body Parts

Yeah, we decided to go Jack the Ripper on your ass!!! Today is a very special day so... Merry Christmas!!! Oh, no? Wrong Holiday? Then... Happy Halloween? No? Oh! Right! We've got it now: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! We here at Fandom Obsessed decided that instead of getting all warm and fuzzy, pink, cute and romantic, we'll try something different and…
Fangirling in the 90′s

Fangirling in the 90′s

To know the most basic things about me, you have to understand that I was an 80's kid and a 90's teen. That, believe it or not, says a lot about my personality. There were passionate fans a long time ago. Come on, the Beatles drove girls insane when they reached the USA. And there are crazy fans now (I'm…
Claire Danes gets thrown in jail, plays with puppies, and still isn’t over her first love

Claire Danes gets thrown in jail, plays with puppies, and still isn’t over her first love

Back on September 15th, Audi of America premiered this new commercial featuring Claire Danes of Homeland fame. ... Or more like My So-Called Life fame! Come on, it's what really matters. I don't care if it's been almost 20 years, I'm still not over how the show ended, leaving us wondering if Angela was going to stay with the…
Movie watching, VyRT style.

Movie watching, VyRT style.

I know most fandoms and fans don't have it as good as I do. I am aware of that. Being fan of a band isn't as rewarding as this, pretty much never. But since I became a fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and Jared Leto, specially, I am one spoiled fan now. This is a band that has a…
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The most exciting thing about TIFF 2013 (for me, at least)

The most exciting thing about TIFF 2013 (for me, at least)

As a Jared Leto fan, not just a 30 Seconds to Mars fan, I don't get to see him act much. He's more focused on his music, and tends to do a movie every few years, now that he's getting more success with the band and touring and breaking records all over the world. (I'm not joking, they broke the…
Let the BRO WARS begin

Let the BRO WARS begin

Ever had a celeb-crush and then totally freaked when you learned that he had a brother? Yes, we've all had that magical moment when we discovered that there were 2 or even 3 of that drool-worthy specimen. Here at Fandom Obsessed we decided to make the hot bros fight to the death for our affections.   SKARSGARD BROS ALLY: Alexander…