Jennifer Lawrence

10 articles
Trailer Tuesday: Mockingjay – Part 1

Trailer Tuesday: Mockingjay – Part 1

#OurLeaderTheMokingjay indeed! Insta-chills, you guys! One of the things I liked the most about these books was the rebellion. To see the need for a symbol, how one arises. How people band together and fight. All the social and political elements of these books where amazingly done and so deep and powerful for a book cataloged as YA Literature.…
We should be casting directors: our fantasy pairings

We should be casting directors: our fantasy pairings

Hugh Jackman said in a recent interview that he would love to see Wolverine as part of The Avengers. Yes. Stop squeeing. We are excited too, of course. Ok, ok. Stop screaming!!! We know it would be awesome seeing Wolverine interact with Iron Man. And we know the press junkets between Hugh Jackman and Robert Downey Jr would be epic.…
O.M.G.! New “X-Men: Days of Future Past” trailer!!!

O.M.G.! New “X-Men: Days of Future Past” trailer!!!

Excited much? No? Just watch this trailer and then we'll talk: Now, let me ask you again: excited much? Despite the hideous poster, this movie looks awesome!!! As if that wasn't good enough, Fox released an Alternate Final Trailer: These 2 are epic! More based on the story and action, if you weren't sold on the movie, I…
Oscars 2014 Recap: celeb slumber party

Oscars 2014 Recap: celeb slumber party

Some friends get together to watch movies, order pizza, photobomb each other and take some fun selfies to upload to Twitter, so other friends can see it and re-tweet it. Sounds like a normal friends gathering, right? Wrong. It was the Oscars. Yup. The 2014 Academy Awards Ceremony. It may seem kinda stupid, but it was actually brilliant. Not only…
Gwen and Ally go to the movies: American Hustle & The Wolf of Wall Street

Gwen and Ally go to the movies: American Hustle & The Wolf of Wall Street

This is something we normally do. A double feature movie date. This time, we watched AMERICAN HUSTLE and THE WOLF OF WALL STREET back to back. Ok. We did have dinner in between. But, anyways... you get the point. GWEN: I think we did good going to a double feature and picking these two movies. I gotta say, I liked…
Award Show Sweetheart

Award Show Sweetheart

You think it's Jennifer Lawrence, right? Well.. I do love her too. And her Award Show appearances are amazing. There are so many moment in each award show that it would be impossible to list them all. Just take a look at the last couple of shows: She did this at the Golden Globes And also this: And this Aaawww...…
Gwen and Ally go to the movies: Catching Fire

Gwen and Ally go to the movies: Catching Fire

Continuing with our tradition of texting after watching a movie together, today we embark on a (somewhat) serious discussion on CATCHING FIRE. ALLY: First up in the list of important things to discuss about this movie: Liam Hemsworth. You know I don't usually like him. He kinda looks like Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh to me. But, hot damn! He is growing up…
Can’t hardly wait for the CATCHING FIRE opening day!

Can’t hardly wait for the CATCHING FIRE opening day!

Are you as anxious as me? So far, the reviews and comments I've read are pretty good and the trailers are off the charts!!! But we still have to wait a bit over a week. And, as I'm weak and need my daily fix, I give you: the CATCHING FIRE B-Roll!!! Oh! And there's some Finnick in there too:
It’s time to catch fire!!!

It’s time to catch fire!!!

You guys! The final trailer for Catching Fire was released last night! And I'm so excited!!! There's so much in this little 1:07 minute trailer! I sooo want to go watch this movie on it's opening day, though I'm scared of teen girls screaming every time Peeta appears on screen. Let's do a Pros vs. Cons, shall we? CONS Damaging…
The 100 sexiest movie stars (and the power of fandom)

The 100 sexiest movie stars (and the power of fandom)

Hard-core fans are a powerful thing. And having a strong fanbase has a lot of perks. Even when being voted the sexiest movie star. Consider the results of the recent poll conducted by Empire Online. Potterheads, Cumberbabes, Hiddlestoners, Twi-hards, Cavilliers and Tributes ruled the first 5 places of both male and female movie stars. Wanna know who ranked among the first…