
31 articles
I kinda loved the Ant-Man movie

I kinda loved the Ant-Man movie

Well, yes. Of course I kinda loved it. Because it's freaking awesome!!! I might be a Marvel girl at heart, but the truth is, Ant-Man is a really good movie. Why? Because it's funny, like, really funny. It manages to make fun of the superhero movies, while being heroic and embracing the emotions and cliches of the genre. It's just…
C2E2, pt. 2!

C2E2, pt. 2!

Hey everyone! I'm back with more amazing cosplay photos from this past weekend at C2E2! I had a great time and kind of fangirled a lot, picking up some Doctor Who prints from some artists, a graphic novel, and attending a couple of panels and meetups. Weekends like this, where one can just be themselves with people like them and…
Geek Out! Trailer galore

Geek Out! Trailer galore

Maybe its because this week I'm going to see Avengers: Age of Ultron, but I feel like I'm geeking out every five minutes. Why? This is why: STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS ANT-MAN BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE JURASSIC WORLD
Ant-Man trailer

Ant-Man trailer

This post is pretty self explanatory. Ant-Man has a trailer. It's awesome. Marvel has pretty much done it again. And I've loved Paul Rudd since he was Josh. Besides, I love Evangeline Lilly. One thing though? Maybe too much of Michael Douglas voicing over and too little Paul. We need more Paul. Because, honestly, like the one line of…
12 Days of Christmas: day 10

12 Days of Christmas: day 10

OCTOBER 2014 So, basically, this month belongs to Marvel. Why? Several reasons, actually... First of all, cuz the trailer for The Avengers 2 was leaked and they had the best answer ever: And then they went on to officially release the trailer: Which has these images that make us all melt. Not only that, but they announced all of…
12 Days of Christmas: day 7

12 Days of Christmas: day 7

JULY 2014 Basically, Comic Con. What else? We sort of started fangirling over it, even before it started. We were so excited about what to expect from it. We were so excited, that we had to divided into 2 parts! This year there were so many Comic Con goodies, that we had to do several lists to keep up with…
Marvel Phase 3 is going to be epic

Marvel Phase 3 is going to be epic

Have you marked your calendars all the way through 2019? Me too!!! Yesterday, at a very random Tuesday, in an 11:00 am event, Marvel rocked our world. Thank you, Marvel. If you thought the leak and later official release of the Age of Ultron teaser trailer and the rumors that Benedict Cumberbatch will star as Dr Strange was enough news…
Benedict Cumberbatch wants to rule the world

Benedict Cumberbatch wants to rule the world

That's my theory and I'm sticking with it. It's the only logical explanation. Yesterday the Internet exploded with the news that Benedict Cumberbatch was in final talks to play the coveted role of Dr. Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And, of course, fandom went crazy (because... #nerdgasm). It isn't official yet, just rumors. But gossip says that Marvel might…
Thank you, Hydra. Age of Ultron trailer was leaked and I’m freaking

Thank you, Hydra. Age of Ultron trailer was leaked and I’m freaking

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Breathe in. Breathe out. I can do this. I can totally do this. Ok. So. Hi there! Are you still hyperventilating like me? Good. I'm not alone in my insanity. In case you have been orbiting around Mars since yesterday, let me clue you in on what happened. The super-duper, mega-amazing trailer for The Avengers: Age of…
Feeling all the feels for Dancing Baby Groot

Feeling all the feels for Dancing Baby Groot

There won't be any Spoiler Alert here because I've allowed enough time for y'all to have see this amazing movie that is Guardian of the Galaxy. And if you haven't seen it yet, shame on you. Besides, this thing is all overt he Internet. What I am going to include here is a Cuteness Overload Alert. I loved Guardians, but…
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