matt bomer

3 articles
Friday Night Hottie: Puppies

Friday Night Hottie: Puppies

Ha! Got you scared for a bit there with the title, huh? Don't worry... I'm not that kinky (or fuzzy, either). Thing is, I always see pics of hot dudes with puppies. What's up with that? Do they honestly think we'll see the puppies and go all "aaaaawwww"? Sorry bro, we barely notice the cute ball of fur in your…
Friday Night Hottie: Matt Bomer

Friday Night Hottie: Matt Bomer

Friday is finally upon us, so that means it's time for another hottie!!! Given the recent news that Charlie Hunnam was exiting the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, the casting rumors started spreading like wild fire and we fans are having a blast doing more fan castings. My personal favorite, is and has always has been, Matt Bomer. So, let's…
Apparently, there is a God of Fandom, and he has answered our prayers

Apparently, there is a God of Fandom, and he has answered our prayers

Today 2 Fandoms celebrated. "Sons of Anarchy" fandom got rid of the fans that were already swarming the set wielding books. "Fifty Shades of Grey" got rid of Charlie Hunnam. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Charlie Hunnam dropped out of the project because his TV schedule doesn't allow for him to prepare for the role of Christian Grey. Yeah.... rrrrrright.…