
44 articles
Jurassic World – review

Jurassic World – review

Between Terminator, Jurassic World, Star Wars, Mad Max and all the others that are about to be released or just have been announced, I feel like we are back to the early 90's. The kid inside me is beyond excited! Like... everything I loved when I was young, is cool again! And now, my old, boring 30 year old self…
Jem Movie Trailer: Truly Outrageous

Jem Movie Trailer: Truly Outrageous

Hello peeps! I'm back! I know I've been MIA for some weeks now. That's because lately, I'm having really long work hours and a lot going on in my personal life. New exciting things. And that means I have like zero available time for blogging. Which sucks. But I just had to come back to talk with you guys about…
Cinderella: I’m confused

Cinderella: I’m confused

For a Fandom Obsessed like me, watching Cinderella was very confusing. I mean... why was Lady Rose (whose mother was Agent Peggy Carter) serving on Daisy? And I knew Galadriel could be beautiful and terrible as the dawn and treacherous as the sea. But she was way to bitchy here. Maybe that was because she was working with Dr Erik Selvig…
“Into the woods” – review

“Into the woods” – review

I was so sad I didn't like this movie. Why? Because I thought I would absolutely love it. Let's see: "Into the Woods" is a modern twist on several of the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tales (an obvious winning point), intertwining the plots of a few choice stories and exploring the consequences of the characters' wishes and quests (great idea).…
Backstreet Boys’ documentary has a release date and I’m freaking out!

Backstreet Boys’ documentary has a release date and I’m freaking out!

Because you are always 15 at heart and because you always remember the guys whose posters you had hanging on your walls. Because when you fangirl so hard for so long, everything about it makes you happy. Because the Backstreet Boys documentary film has a release date and I just can't even!!! Yes. The Backstreet Boys did a documentary film…
“Dracula Untold” review and some Luke Evans ogling

“Dracula Untold” review and some Luke Evans ogling

Believe it or not, I'm finally getting around to doing the review for "Dracula Untold". I've waited this long because I wanted to see the movie 2 times before sitting down to doing this. Ok. I've seen it 3 times already. But I'm doing this all for the blog's and your sake. It's all for art, I swear!!! Ok... Who…
Gwen & Ally go to the movies: If I Stay

Gwen & Ally go to the movies: If I Stay

ALLY: Let us review If I Stay for the blog. Are you up to it? GWEN: Yes!! ALLY: K, so. Did you like it? I liked it. I kinda new what was going to happen because of the book (though I haven't read it). But I liked it. And I cried like a baby, though I didn't cry while watching…
The future of the vampires might be saved

The future of the vampires might be saved

After turning them into vegetarian, sparkly kids, I was loosing faith in vampires. They were no longer the sexy, dark and dangerous fanged creatures of old. They were teenagers who wore GAP. Yikes. I was sad. All my life I've loved vampires. Give me someone fanged and un-dead and I'm a fan. But not when they drive a Volvo. I…
“The Mockingjay Lives” New Official Trailer. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

“The Mockingjay Lives” New Official Trailer. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

We've waited forever and ever (that is to say, we waited for teaser upon teaser upon teaser upon teaser until it wasn't funny any more) for a, let's say it, a real trailer. And all of our patience has been rewarded. We finally have a trailer that's over the 30 seconds count. Finally. Let us watch said trailer (at least…
I literally want to move into the High Rise

I literally want to move into the High Rise

Yesterday, this happened: And my fangirl heart skipped a beat. Not just because I always prefer Luke's selfies to his photoshoots (seriously, my favorite photos of him are the ones he takes himself). But because Luke Evans will start working with Tom Hiddleston today. Please take a moment to listen to the thousands of ovaries bursting into flames right now.…
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