shailene woodley

24 articles
Insurgent movie review

Insurgent movie review

Let me start by saying I barely remember reading the book. So I'm not gonna make a review comparing the book to the movie, cuz I would totally be lying. Ok, I do remember some stuff, like the basic outline and the like, but I'm not an expert. Not. At. All. So, Insurgent. Can we please start with the obvious?…
Super Bowl Special – Part 1 – Insurgent Trailer

Super Bowl Special – Part 1 – Insurgent Trailer

Guess today we'll be talking all day long about yesterday's Super Bowl. And I couldn't care less about football. But lately this thing has become more about the show than the sport, so there's always something to enjoy. This year, one of those things was the premiere of the Insurgent Super Bowl Trailer. Eeemmm... for really? This ain't a…
Insurgent Trailer: I wanna read that book

Insurgent Trailer: I wanna read that book

OhEmGee, you guys!!! Have you seen the new Insurgent official trailer? It's freaking amazing! Come on, watch this trailer and you'll definitely want to read the book: Now, THAT's a book I'd read... What do you mean I've read it? No, no I haven't... Oh, you mean this is the 2nd part to Divergent? Are you for real? Is…
Insurgent trailer coming soon!

Insurgent trailer coming soon!

Being a 32 year old, I shouldn't be so excited about these things. But I am. It's the little things that brighten my week. So I'm gonna fangirl as hard as I can. After the not so stellar teaser for the trailer (What's up with that? Now they are doing teasers announcing the trailer? Not that I'm complaining, it's awesome.…
INSURGENT character posters and trailer

INSURGENT character posters and trailer

I know we are all excited about the premiere and the forthcoming release of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, but we don't have to forget our other favorite dystopia trilogy. Divergent is trying really hard to steal some of Katniss's thunder by releasing it's amazing character posters. Take a look: Ehhhmmm... where's Eric??? Each poster was released in…
Fangirling over Comic Con

Fangirling over Comic Con

We are almost there. Comic Con starts tomorrow and I couldn't be happier. Ok, I would be happier if I was there, but still. Studios and fans are generous and Comic Con ain't Vegas. What happens in CC doesn't stay in CC. It is tweeted and instagramed as soon as it happens. So we will be able to get to…
There’s something wrong with me: I didn’t cry with TFIOS

There’s something wrong with me: I didn’t cry with TFIOS

For this post to make any sense at all, you have to know one little thing about me. I'm a crybaby. Everything makes me cry: movies, TV shows, books, songs, even some advertisements. When I watch something for the 2nd time, I cry even more. I start crying before the actual scene, because I know what's coming. So I thought…
Let’s get touristy and go to Divergent filming locations!

Let’s get touristy and go to Divergent filming locations!

A clear sign that you are a true fan at your very core, is that your fandom permeates every single thing you do. You take for fandom everywhere you go. Specially on vacation. That's why, more often than not, we plan our vacation trips according to a fandom. Or... if that's not possible, we are always able to find something…
Gwen and Ally go to the movies: Divergent

Gwen and Ally go to the movies: Divergent

Well yes, it took us some time to finally go watch the Divergent movie. But we finally managed to do it. And we loved it. Of course, there was absolutely no chance we wouldn't, but as it is our tradition, we texted after the movie. CHAPTER 1: MOVIE REVIEW & WE CHOOSE A FACTION ALLY: So, we finally watched Divergent.…
Allegiant will be turned into 2 movies… didn’t see that one coming

Allegiant will be turned into 2 movies… didn’t see that one coming

So after the first movie did a shit load of money, Lionsgate decided to turn the 3rd book into 2 movies. I would have never guessed that... *Insert irony here* According to the Press Release Allegiant Part 1 will be released on March 18, 2016 and Allegiant Part 2 will be released on March 24, 2017. Can't really say I'm surprised. Not…
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