The Battle of the Five Armies

17 articles
The Hobbit Newsflash

The Hobbit Newsflash

Just in case some of you didn't mark it on your calendars... (shame on you), today is the release for the Blu-Ray of "The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies". I can't wait to get my hands on it and watch every single thing. I love watching the extended editions, every special featurette, the behind the scenes and I…
Fangirling over Aidan Turner is a team effort

Fangirling over Aidan Turner is a team effort

Sharing a celebrity crush with your chummy is one of the best things ever. You go to the movies together, you watch his TV show, you send each other pictures of the guy in question, whenever you find a link with a new interview in which the celeb is being cute as hell, you can't wait to share it with…
12 Days of Christmas: day 12. It’s Christmas!!!

12 Days of Christmas: day 12. It’s Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas, y'all!!! Hope you are having an amazing and merry day with friends and family! An I hope you got some cool presents! Today, on Christmas day, we'll look back on the best of... DECEMBER 2014 I've been waiting the whole year for this, so you've probably guessed what it is... Yes. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five…
12 Days of Christmas: day 7

12 Days of Christmas: day 7

JULY 2014 Basically, Comic Con. What else? We sort of started fangirling over it, even before it started. We were so excited about what to expect from it. We were so excited, that we had to divided into 2 parts! This year there were so many Comic Con goodies, that we had to do several lists to keep up with…
The music video for “The Last Goodbye” was released. Pass me a tissue

The music video for “The Last Goodbye” was released. Pass me a tissue

If you thought you bawled like a baby when you first heard the song "The Last Goodbye" from The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, I'll give you some time to go and fetch some tissues. Like... lots of them. Because Peter Jackson, who I'm convinced wants us all to cry our eyes out in the cinema this next December,…
Fangirl Calendar for 2015

Fangirl Calendar for 2015

Yes, folks, it's that time of the year again. 2014 is coming to an end and, apart from reminiscing some of the awesome stuffed that happened, we are already fangirling over what's to come next year. Because we are anxious little fangirls. Let's see what's in store for us: JANUARY Repeated watching and re-watching of The Hobbit: The battle of…
Get your tissues ready, “The Last Goodbye” by Billy Boyd is amazing

Get your tissues ready, “The Last Goodbye” by Billy Boyd is amazing

Peter Jackson wants us all to leave the cinemas sobbing this next December. I was announced that Billy Boyd would be singing the End Credits song for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I already got emotional just reading this piece of news. And the I remembered the song he sand in Return of the King and I…
Trailer Galore!

Trailer Galore!

If you know one thing about me, is that I love movie trailers. With a passion. I believe that 50% of the fun of going to the cinema is the trailers that surprise you before the actual movie. You never know what you are gonna get. And I love when trailers are released, when they dominate the Web. Specially, when…
Peter Jackson wants us all to cry like babies

Peter Jackson wants us all to cry like babies

Like the last "The Hobbit" movie wasn't going to be sad enough... I mean, we already know who dies. We already know this is the end. It's not like we don't know we won't ever be coming back to Middle Earth. Or at least, not for the next 10 years. They could always do The Silmarillion, hard a task as…
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