The Hunger Games

13 articles
Mockingjay Part 1 exclusive content unlocked

Mockingjay Part 1 exclusive content unlocked

So yesterday we were all in frenzy tweeting with the hashtag #UnlockMockingjay because, seriously, we wanna get our greedy little hands on every available material there is. And... the official Twitter account for The Hunger Games actually Tweeted me the exclusive content once it was unlocked!!! Yeah, I know. They probably tweeted to everyone who used the hashtag. But please…
“The Mockingjay Lives” New Official Trailer. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

“The Mockingjay Lives” New Official Trailer. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

We've waited forever and ever (that is to say, we waited for teaser upon teaser upon teaser upon teaser until it wasn't funny any more) for a, let's say it, a real trailer. And all of our patience has been rewarded. We finally have a trailer that's over the 30 seconds count. Finally. Let us watch said trailer (at least…
Trailer Tuesday: Mockingjay – Part 1

Trailer Tuesday: Mockingjay – Part 1

#OurLeaderTheMokingjay indeed! Insta-chills, you guys! One of the things I liked the most about these books was the rebellion. To see the need for a symbol, how one arises. How people band together and fight. All the social and political elements of these books where amazingly done and so deep and powerful for a book cataloged as YA Literature.…
Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever

Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever

OMG!!! Have you guys seen what I have? Those teasers for "Mockingjay - Part 1" are out of this world! I'm always glad to see when the promotion gurus do something different other than the traditional teaser / trailer. And this series of movies lend themselves to so much more. Let's go with awesome teaser numero uno: Peace? Elegant…
Fangirling over 2014!!!

Fangirling over 2014!!!

That's it, folks. 2013 is almost over and we are just hours away from the New Year. Besides projects, trips, plans and personal growth, 2014 has me excited as hell! Besides the return of my beloved series from their hiatus, or the premiere of new seasons for old shows (Game of Thrones, I'm talking to you), my Google Calendar is…
What we watched in 2013

What we watched in 2013

Well folks, another year is almost gone. And what a year! 2013 was amazing in what respects to movies. We had tons of great films to watch and obsessed over. Let's hope 2014 is as good or even better!!! After all the eggnog you probably drank over the Holidays, you may be a little foggy and don't remember some of…
12 Days of Christmas: DAY 3

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 3

ON THE 3RD DAY OF CHRISTMAS MY BELOVED GAVE ME: The honest trailer for The Hunger Games Totally agree on the no chemistry. And... after watching Catching Fire, totally agree on the Liam / Gale thing...
Gwen and Ally go to the movies: Catching Fire

Gwen and Ally go to the movies: Catching Fire

Continuing with our tradition of texting after watching a movie together, today we embark on a (somewhat) serious discussion on CATCHING FIRE. ALLY: First up in the list of important things to discuss about this movie: Liam Hemsworth. You know I don't usually like him. He kinda looks like Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh to me. But, hot damn! He is growing up…
Can’t hardly wait for the CATCHING FIRE opening day!

Can’t hardly wait for the CATCHING FIRE opening day!

Are you as anxious as me? So far, the reviews and comments I've read are pretty good and the trailers are off the charts!!! But we still have to wait a bit over a week. And, as I'm weak and need my daily fix, I give you: the CATCHING FIRE B-Roll!!! Oh! And there's some Finnick in there too:
It’s time to catch fire!!!

It’s time to catch fire!!!

You guys! The final trailer for Catching Fire was released last night! And I'm so excited!!! There's so much in this little 1:07 minute trailer! I sooo want to go watch this movie on it's opening day, though I'm scared of teen girls screaming every time Peeta appears on screen. Let's do a Pros vs. Cons, shall we? CONS Damaging…
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