The comeback

The comeback

Hello there guys!

I know I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but I’ll say it one more time: I’m sorry.

I’m really, really sorry.

I’m sorry I’ve been MIA and kinda abandoned the blog.

But truth is, there’s a lot of stuff going on in my life right now. Good, happy, exciting things. But they are very time consuming things. And I sort of had to stop blogging for a while.

But I’ll try to resume normalcy some time soon. So I won’t make idle promises and say It’ll be exactly as I was before, because I have some stuff coming up soon, so I might need some time off again.

But I’ll tell you guys this: I will try to blog more often. Maybe not every week-day as I did before. But I’ll try not leaving huge dry spells.

Because I like blogging. It’s a lot of fun. And I want to do it again.

So keep your fingers crossed for me.


Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Outlander, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Being Human UK. Past addictions: Friends, Glee, Spartacus, Smash, Arrow, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). The Hot List: Luke Evans, Aidan Turner, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!

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