The things we do for Fandom

The things we do for Fandom

Like Jaime Lannister does for love, we fans sometimes do crazy things for our fandoms. People might think we are insane, and they might be right. But fandom, more often than not, makes us do the unthinkable and we are glad to do so.

A couple of days ago some friends and I were chatting about Benedict Cumberbatch doing Hamlet in London and how we all wanted to go because, seriously, is Benny doing Shakespeare. How can we NOT go???. Turns out, 2 of us are actually going. And they will be travelling to England from 2 different countries! Hate them, by the way. But it got me thinking: what things do we do for fandom that other people might deem unbelievable?

Well, first, there’s the travelling abroad for a film premiere, going to the theater or a concert. As my friend pointed out, it’s not crazy at all. You just have to plan your vacations extremely well. Because, seriously, how many times will you have the chance to see your favorite actor on stage? Specially when you don’t happen to live in a country where these things might happen.

Talking about vacations, another thing is planning your schedule and day trips around movie locations. We all want to take a photo on the steps of Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment, or knock the door of Sherlock’s flat (and hope he opens the door). People walking by may laugh, but if they are laughing is because they know you are standing in front of the apartment building from the show “Friends”. They laugh, but you are the one who’s having fun taking a photo with your favorite location.

And what about standing in line for hours on end? Under the rain, the blazing sun or the freezing cold? I’ve done it. You’ve done it. We’ve all done it. For the release of a new book, to get the first row in a concert, to get your CD autographed or to take a selfie with your latest celebrity crush at his movie premiere.

Do you know someone who has a tattoo related to his or her favorite fandom? Do you have one? Have you ever thought of having one? Me too. Have you ever called a radio show because they were telling the story of your favorite book wrong? Or have you written an angry email to a film critic cuz he dared say your favorite movie was crap?

All these are normal things to do. I don’t know why people call us crazy. I mean, it’s completely normal to call your kids Jamie and Claire, or to have a cat called Legolas. It’s normal to dress like Serena Van Der Woodsen or to cut your hair like Ashley Benson or dress like Buffy.

What’s wrong with watching a movie over 10 times, quoting every single line from it? What’s wrong with binge-watching a show, 3 times in a row? It’s a hobby people, deal with it. Another thing I do? I read my favorite book at least 3 times each year. And don’t get me started with FanFiction!!!

Another thing people might think is crazy? Becoming friends with people from across the world, over Twitter, just because they answered “OMG! Me too!” to something you just said. I mean, that’s a very valid reason to become friends with someone.

Oh, the things we do for fandom… We even blog about it.


Written by Ally

80’s kid, 90’s teen. That sums it up quite nicely. Fan of almost everything. There’s not enough room in cyber-space to list everything (or every guy / fictional character I have the hots for), but I’ll try: Outlander book series ultimate fan (‘cuz JAMMF is just perfection), YA and romance novel avid reader, BSB fan to the death. Current TV Shows addiction: Outlander, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, Being Human UK. Past addictions: Friends, Glee, Spartacus, Smash, Arrow, The Tudors, Battlestar Galactica, Lost (I’m an ending-hater). The Hot List: Luke Evans, Aidan Turner, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Gerard Butler, Theo James, Nick Carter, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Stephen Amell, Hugh Jackman and I could keep going to infinity. Oh! And I believe in the God of Google!

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