This was the week we’ve all been waiting for. We’ve been counting down the days since last year, and holding our collective breaths for the last couple of days. We’ve been mercilessly teased about it. And now, we know. Brace yourselves, girls!
Friends talk about all the important things in life. And this week, there was nothing more important than People Magazine announcing it’s for 2013. Of course, Gwen and I spent our lunch break yesterday texting each other about it.
ALLY: Hello!!! People magazine named Adam Levine as this year’s Sexiest Man Alive. Weren’t we talking about how you find him hot and I don’t just last week?
GWEN: You’re right!!! I was talking about The Voice or something.
ALLY: Yes, you were. So… is there something wrong with my hormones? Cuz I don’t find him hot nor sexy, in the least…
GWEN: No, nothing wrong at all. Different strokes, for different folks! You like Tom Hiddleston and I can’t stand him.
ALLY: Lol! Poor Tom. I don’t find him hot, though. It’s all about his sparkly personality. And Chris Hemsworth better be on that list in the number 2 spot, at least.
GWEN: Ohhh. I hate his sparkles though. And Chris better be. He’s hotter than the two of the combined. I should write an article about Levine!
ALLY: Yeah. You should. So maybe I can understand what the appeal is. Try to convince me. Why is Adam the sexiest 2013 dude? I’m really, honestly asking. It’s like an anthropological case study. Give me 3 good reasons.
GWEN: I’ll try my best to convince you. Although I don’t get why they didn’t go with Hemsworth. These people are crazy.
ALLY: Lol! I’m actually not that hard, really. But I don’t see Adam as “OMG! I better drop my panties!”. The people from People are bananas. Chris is Purrfect. With Capital P.
GWEN: It’s an animal thing he has.
ALLY: Adam? Or Chris? Cuz I can totally picture Chris as an animal: a white tiger.
GWEN: I was talking about Adam!!! He starts off slow and kinda boy next door in Maroon 5′s first video, “This Love”, and it all goes from there. Chris is OUR sexiest man alive 2013!!! We should do a list! Before the year is up!!!
ALLY: Oh, yes! We should totally do that! And about Adam… Nah… don’t see him as an animal. Sorry. Not buying.
GWEN: Okay. I’ll try my best in my article, with pics and everything.
ALLY: Seating on the edge of my seat. Vids would be good too. I really wanna understand. I feel like I’m missing out on something.
GWEN: Vids! Vids too, definitely!
ALLY: Ok, I’ll wait for your post to see if I’m sold on the idea. Meanwhile, I’ll go comfort Chris Hemsworth for loosing the top spot.
GWEN: Send him my way when you’re done with him!
ALLY: Poor thing. He must be devastated. I know I am.
What do you think? Is Adam the hottest dude out there? Do you feel cheated too? Do you wanna go comfort Chris Hemsworth as well?