What is the deal with True Blood?

What is the deal with True Blood?

First off I must confess: I have not watched every single episode in every single season of True Blood. But I will comment on it. So if that bothers you, tough luck! The thing is, and I bet I’m not the only one, I couldn’t get past season 2. The middle of the season to be precise.

sookie stackhouse books


You see, it all started when a friend of mine sent me the Sookie Stakhouse books. He had purchased them, all teeny tiny paperbacks edition, and because he claims to read over 40 books a year, he throws them away once he’s done with them. (I know, it’s a sin and he should be punished for it. Throwing books away? That’s sacrilege!) But he happened to send me those in the mail as he finished them, so I can’t give him that hard of a time. I read them circa 2006, I can’t really pinpoint when in 2006, but I was very into them. So, I was a pretty hardcore Sookie Stackhouse fan. I tolerated Bill, and I loved Eric. And then, HBO turned the books into a TV series. Oh, joy! Or was it?

lafayette drink

I watched season 1 religiously. I never missed an episode. And I ended that season a bit ticked off that they changed SO MUCH in it. I have to be fair, though, I loved that they kept Lafayette alive and turned him into such a fun character. I loved his witty comebacks and he was just faaabulous.

lafayette comic con

But all the rest, it’s just disappointing and disturbing, to be frank. Sure, they kept the main plot on each of the books, but everything that surrounds it is so ridiculous that you just lose track of what is the most important thing! Bill and Sookie’s comings and goings are boring, Sookie lacks any decision making and follow-through skills, she’s easily persuaded BY ANYONE who just tells her he loves her, Lafayette is a medium/demon thing now so that kind of turns the only tolerable character into a joke. They had a meanad thing wrecking havoc all through the second season, witches in season four, Sookie is a fairy but she doesn’t really know what to do with her new found powers, and she’s just running around like a chicken with her head cut off. And now Bill’s the King of Louisiana, and then he drinks all of Lillith’s blood and starts hallucinating with three naked girls completely covered in blood, Sarah Newlin came back, and her huge teeth scare the crap out of me, and she wants to exterminate all of the vampires, and they came pretty damn close, they even set up a concentration camp type of thing for them and everything.

See what I mean about her teeth??

See what I mean about her teeth??

Meanwhile, Sookie tells this Warlow guy to back the fuck off, that she doesn’t want anything to do with him, just to have him cry and beg for two episodes telling her how he’s loved her for 6,000 years, until she caves and goes “Oh, okay. I love you too, then!” See what I mean with no follow-through?  But why, oh why did they have to make Eric go sunbathing in the nude JUST TO HAVE HIM BURST INTO FLAMES?!?!?!?? And don’t even get me started on how fast over the last two episodes of season 6 it all got turned into a huge clusterfuck.

lafayette white folk

I am telling you, the books are a thousand times better. Sookie isn’t nearly as annoying. The writing is engaging and you feel some kind of sympathy for the characters. Eric’s truer to himself, and even then you end up wanting him to get together with Sookie. You even want her to get it on with Alcide at one point. But somehow, trying to make it more than it was in writing, they ended up killing it. I know for a fact most of the True Blood fandom is PISSED about all of this.

lafayette bitch fight

I don’t know what HBO has in store for the next season of True Blood, but I just think this is whole mess is too far gone to save. Anyway, what I really want to know is, what do YOU think?

alexander skarsgardanna paquinbill comptoneric northmanHBOsookie stackhousestephen moyertrue blood
Written by Gwen

Not ashamed of fangirling, even though I'm way past the "accepted" age to do so. Biggest current obsession: Jared Leto, and 30 Seconds to Mars. Love to cook, anything sweet and yummy. Movies are my favorite thing, and I've been known to go to the theater more than once a week. Loooong 'Hot Guy' list, been "collecting" them since I was 13! Most are shared with Ally, some are mine alone. We mostly fangirl over the same stuff, and our conversations are filled with flailing and "OMG's". Love to read, love to write. Fanfics that one reads are my specialty. Daydreamer to a fault, star procastinator 24/7.


  1. Ally

    What do I think? I couldn’t even finish season 2! hahaha! I also read the books (up to a point. I think I stopped at book 6, may be…) and was happy they were turning them into a series.
    The first season, I watched it regularly and didn’t miss an episode, but then came the season finale and I was like “what???”
    Watched seasons 2 up to the middle and that was it for me. Sorry. I loved Eric in the books, but not on the show. And Sookie was kind of annoying in the books. But I wanted to murder her in the show.

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  2. Cele

    I agree with you. I only finished season 2 and the only reason I watched few episodes after that is the eye candy. Always is nice to watch a shirtless Alcide or simply Erik… but sometimes, that’s not enough…

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  3. Gwen

    Honestly! Sometimes I don’t know how the same network can come up with great shows like “Game of Thrones”, and then put out something like this. It’s like they come up with it as the go. Not a very good strategy, I think…

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  4. Ally

    Different writers, different shows. Simple as that.

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