When Shipping Dreams Come True

When Shipping Dreams Come True

I have a confession to make.

Jared Leto winning the Best Supporting Actor Oscar this past Sunday was not the most exciting part of the night for me, despite the fact that I now have the autograph of an Academy Award Winner in a frame on my wall. Nor was the selfie, or the pizza, or Adele Mazzine singing ‘Let It Go’ from Frozen.

It was all of the interaction between Jared and a certain Ms. Hathaway.

For almost a year and a half, with very little rhyme or reason, I have shipped Jared and Anne as hard as I shipped Munro Chambers and Charlotte Arnold from the show Degrassi (and they actually did end up dating. It’s the Secret, people!) Yes, she’s married and he’s kind of an infamous playboy, but they would be so good together! She’s trying to become more edgy and doesn’t really like to hang out with the Hollywood crowd, and he’s always purposely gone against the norm, doing what he wants. He would be the wild side that she wants, and she would be a peer, a true equal to him, understanding his world without needing to live for the limelight. Ugh, perfection.

Gwen and I have shared in our growing obsession with this pairing, creating a whole backstory to how they meet and eventually fall in love. It all started way back when Jared was filming Dallas Buyers Club, the first time we had any sort of indication of Oscar buzz for his role as Rayon. Anne hadn’t even won her’s yet, but she was on a roll for Les Mis, and we all knew the inevitable was to happen. Our fantasy started with her winning, which meant that she would have to be at the ceremony the next year, and if DBC was as good as the tweets were saying, then he would most likely be there too. They would meet at the Oscars, get to talking, strike up a friendship, and it would be a slow burn into a relationship, she turning to him when her marriage falls apart.

I know, we’re horrible. We should never wish for a star to divorce… but we can’t help it. The heart wants what the heart wants.

So, when it was announced that Anne would be there and most likely be presenting for Jared’s category, Gwen and I pretty much had a fangirl freakout, furiously texting and posting and thanking the shipping gods for blessing us with even the smallest moment of our OTP together.

And what we got was so much more than we even could have imagined.

2014 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter - Arrivals tumblr_n1rj719S4r1sopmwoo2_r1_500 tumblr_n1usftVJMy1qcbk34o2_250 tumblr_n1vairSybU1ql8x1lo2_250 tumblr_n1vairSybU1ql8x1lo3_250 2014 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter - Arrivals tumblr_n1wnpvLAks1sopmwoo2_500 tumblr_n1wnpvLAks1sopmwoo3_r1_500 tumblr_n1xwj3vjEx1remho3o1_500 tumblr_n1yhltxYNL1sjti8yo1_500 tumblr_n1zh3e3T4i1r7u257o1_500

Step one in our plan is complete. Step two is in progress, unless they just skipped over our plan altogether and found a bathroom stall or dark corner at the Vanity Fair party. We’re okay with that too.

Anne HathawayOscarsOTPshipping

Written by Zoey

It has been said, "I wish I loved anything they way that she loves everything." Current obsessions are Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Scott Pilgrim, Cosplay, Anything British, Muse, Jared Leto and any of his pursuits, and The Book of Mormon. A Browncoat for life, I'm voting for Joss Wheadon for President in the next election. I have been known to belt out 90's pop songs while driving. Hey, being a geek really just means that you love something, and what's so bad about that?


  1. Ally

    I was soooooooooooo thinking about you 2 and what a huge fangirl freakout you must have been having!!!
    BTW… now that I see Anne and Jared together, they do make a cute couple… <3

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  2. Gwen

    Awww, you really think so? We did freaked out a bit. Okay, a lot. And over the next few days, as pics of them kept surfacing… :D

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  3. Ally

    Yeah, I really think so. They do look cute together. And there are some awesome pics! Tumblr had a feast!

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