I love Chris Hemsworth, don’t get me wrong. He is Hot (yes, with Capital H) and did a pretty good job as Thor. I’ve seen other of his movies, as well, and (he may not be the best of actors), but he was believable. And he is Hot.
But… Tom Hiddleston. Yeah… I swear I don’t know what it is about him. He’s not particularly “my type” (my friends will tell you I don’t actually have “a” type, given the fact that I crush on almost every other celebrity or fictional character). I saw him first in the Thor movie. And even though the Thor-changing-shirts is forever branded into my brain, what I remember most about the movie, was the baddie. The bad guy that was actually broken, and cried, and made you actually feel empathy for him.
And then… I saw him in “Midnight in Paris”, playing F. Scott Fitzgerald and I was sold.
But, even though he is amazing as an actor, and has a charisma so huge that it draws your eyes to him every time he is on screen, I believe that what has me grinning like a lunatic over him, are his off-the-big-screen appearances.
Don’t believe me? Let’s review the evidence. Shall we?
I know he is doing the promotional rounds for the release of the new movie, but you don’t see Chris Hemsworth doing this, do you? Our boyfriend is all cute while surrounded by kids. Tell me your uterus just melted, right?
Only Tom would ever make us want to trade places with Cookie Monster, even for a little while. Can I just say that I loooooove his smile and laughter? Doesn’t he look like a child who’s enjoying this? Another thing I love? He uses big words like “correlation” and “delayed gratification” in a spot targeted at little kids. And don’t get me started on the irony that it is that Loki is doing a segment on self-control.
Honestly, can there be anything better that this? I think at least 10 fangirls there had an orgasm, and another 10 a heart attack. That was too much. And the best part, he seemed to be enjoying it way too much. How many actors do you know who would do something like this? And he flew into San Diego incognito so as not to spoil the surprise.
He is multi-lingual (*):
(Several accents)
Tom does impressions, and we just hate our little miserable lives:
He likes having fun:
(*) Get your minds out of the gutter, I know what you are thinking!!!
So, did I manage to convince you that Tom is DA MAN?