I guess it’s true. We just can’t have nice things! Browsing my Tumblr dashboard the other day, I found a post by none other than , coolest author around at the moment. In it, she explained that she had found out a few days before that the newest installment in the Divergent saga, Allegiant, had been leaked.
Yes, just as you read. It’s been leaked. Due to a Canadian shipping error there are people out there who already have their finished copy of Allegiant, almost a month before it’s official publishing date. It’s been fixed, of course. So if you live in Canada and just felt a jolt of happiness thinking that you might receive the copy before the rest, forget it. If you haven’t received it by now, you won’t. Here is Veronica Roth’s letter to all of us regarding that mishap:
Okay, so this could go two ways: either there are people who are honest and loyal and will keep whatever they read to themselves and wait for the rest of us to be able to get our hands on a copy after October 22nd; or there will be spoilers, quotes, and possibly a whole copy of the leaked Allegiant book floating around the internet. Which would be pretty terrible, right? I mean, I’ve been known to download the odd book here or there, but this is one I’m very excited about, I’ve been waiting for it to come out, and downloading a leaked version would feel sneaky to me. And a lot like cheating. Not to mention, to not be able to discuss it at length with your friends and freak out about the ending of this awesome saga together. So, it’s all around bad. I think it’s not worth it. Not to mention, undermining the author’s hard work and dedication to share with us this story.
What do you think? Would you download it ahead of time? Would you wait until it came out at the scheduled release date? Would you read it if you got it early and die for not be able to discuss all the juicy details with anyone? Or would you wait until October 22nd?
I have October 22nd marked in my calendar for a long time now. So I’ll wait. I’m from the generation who waited on Tuesdays, outside record stores, when a CD from my favorite band was being released. I pre-ordered my copy of the Harry Potter books and yet went to wait in line outside the bookstore before it opened. So I’m waiting. Out of respect of the author and out of respect for my reading experience.
I will wait as well but I must say that I inadvertently read a spoiler a few days ago….
Oh, no! I’m taking extra care to not read any spoilers online!!!