sam heughan

60 articles
Outlander will be the death of me

Outlander will be the death of me

Seriously. I mean, yesterday was an Outlander party because of the Sam Heughan 1 year anniversary and because it marked the 1 month countdown until the premiere. But apparently for Starz, that wasn't enough. Starz should start relaxing a bit with the promotion. Most of us won't survive the premiere of the 1st episode, so there's no need to kill…
July 9th, double Outlander celebration!

July 9th, double Outlander celebration!

Just a friendly reminder to our readers: you might notice an increasing amount of Outlander-related posts. I'm actually sorry-not-sorry. See, I'm obsessed with all things Outlander and I'm sort of on an Outlander-overdose right now, what with reading the latest book and waiting for the show to premiere. And, let it be known, once the show premieres, Outlander could become…
New Outlander Twitter Fan event this Thursday

New Outlander Twitter Fan event this Thursday

Yes. We've done this before. But Outlander deserves it. And, what's even more important is that some countries still don't have a channel that will air Outlander. Yes, I know. That's unbelievable. A total shock. So we have to come together as a community and make some noise. That's why the amazing people over at Outlander Ambassadors have come up…
Another Outlander trailer has surfaced and it’s perfection!

Another Outlander trailer has surfaced and it’s perfection!

We are almost a month away from the premiere of the Outlander series and still more cool stuff is surfacing. Outlander fans are incredible. They really are. I think the CIA or the FBI should seriously consider having some Outlander fans on their payroll. Nothing goes unnoticed for us. We manage to find everything. We gather every single piece of…
Friday Night Hottie: Brit Boys

Friday Night Hottie: Brit Boys

I don't know if it's the accents, the education, the hair, the gentleman-like attitude or simply because there's something in the water over there. But I really wouldn't mind a British Invasion of any kind. I'm fairly sure it is safe to assume we have at least one British man in our personal list of hotties. Turns out, I have…
Remember: today we trend #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER

Remember: today we trend #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER

Hello there!!! We know it's Monday and it sucks, but let's make the best out of it and help our beloved Outlander, ok? Just a little reminder that today, Monday 19th, is the day we participate in the #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER Twitter campaign. Click HERE to check out the Guidelines  set up by the even organizer, Outlander Ambassadors. The campaign is set for today, Monday, May…
Worldwide TV just really needs OUTLANDER!!!

Worldwide TV just really needs OUTLANDER!!!

Yes, we are at it again. You can't say that Outlander fans aren't relentless. Thing is, several TV executives from around the world will be watching the Outlander episodes in LA. And that means that some international network might byuythe rights to air the show in some other countries. You can read Diana Gabaldon's post on international licensing HERE. So,…
Starz announced Outlander’s release date (August 9th) and we went a bit overboard

Starz announced Outlander’s release date (August 9th) and we went a bit overboard

#OMG!!! The day has finally arrived! #Starz has announced the #OutlanderRealeaseDate (about time too!!!). And we are so #excited we wanna make it go viral and trend the date. So hold on to your number sign cuz we are going to hashtag the hell out of your August 9th ass!!! ALLY: #OMG #FinallyReleaseDate!!! GWEN: #ThisIsTooAmazing #August9 #OutlanderTakesOverTheInternet ALLY: #ImCryingSoHardRightNow #IsItAugust9Yet ??? GWEN: #AmISupposedToKeepItTogetherUntilThen #BecauseIdontThinkIcan…
We can’t stop talking about the new Outlander trailer

We can’t stop talking about the new Outlander trailer

For some time now, one of our biggest fears was that we wouldn't like the Outlander adaptation once it was translated into the big or small screen. When it was announced that it was actually happening and things seemed to be going ok, we started worrying that we wouldn't survive seeing Jamie come alive. We invite you to browse through…
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